Purpose and Scope of Guidance
Perth and Kinross Council has prepared a Development Brief (PDF, 21 MB) for the site of Thimblerow car park at the junction of Caledonian Road and the High Street in Perth.
The vision for the Thimblerow site is to create a high quality, low carbon city centre living experience. We will seek public realm improvements to make this area greener, more attractive and better connected for pedestrians and cyclists. The development brief provides detailed information on how this can be achieved, complementing the policies and site requirements already set out in the Local Development Plan. This guidance will be used when determining planning applications.
Public Consultation
Consultation on the draft brief ran for 6 weeks from June 14th to July 26th 2021. Following this consultation, responses were analysed to inform the revised guidance which was adopted by the Council's Strategic Policy and Resources Committee on 1st September 2021.
Strategic Environmental Assessment
As part of the process we have to consult NatureScot, SEPA and Historic Environment Scotland on whether the plan, programme or strategy is likely to raise issues of significant environmental impact.
We sent our Screening Report (PDF, 174 KB) to the consultation authorities on 11 June 2021 to help determine whether the guidance is likely to have significant effects on the environment. The Consultation Authorities have assessed the screening report and agreed that the guidance is unlikely to have any significant effects on the headline environmental issues. A Screening Determination (PDF, 93 KB) has been issued to the SEA Gateway.