23/01987/FLL - Siting of ancillary accommodation unit (in retrospect), The Walled Garden, Garth, Fortingall, Aberfeldy, PH15 2NF
27-06-24 - Notice of Review (PDF, 360 KB)
11-07-24 - Letter to Applicant (PDF, 79 KB)
11-07-24 - Letter to Interested Parties (PDF, 30 KB)
11-07-24 - Letter to Planning (PDF, 135 KB)
18-07-24 - Representation from Interested Party (Alexander) (PDF, 83 KB)
23-07-24 - Representation from Interested Party (Ogilvie) (PDF, 5 MB)
25-07-24 - Representation from Interested Party (Polakowska) (PDF, 16 KB)
29-07-24 - Acknowledgement letter to those who made representation (PDF, 34 KB)
29-07-24 - Letter to Applicant (PDF, 28 KB)
25-07-24 - Representation from Interested Party (Glenlyon and Loch Tay CC) (PDF, 370 KB)
30-07-24 - Letter to Applicant (PDF, 28 KB)