1. MyPKC

Development Management Committee - 12 May 2015

A Meeting of the Development Management Committee will be held in the Gannochy Suite, Dewar's Centre, Glover Street, Perth on Tuesday 12 May 2015 at 10.00am.

If you have any queries please contact Yvonne Oliver on (01738) 475125 or Christina Flynn on (01738) 475450.

Those attending the meeting are requested to ensure that all mobile phones and other communication devices are switched off.


Councillors T Gray (Convener), B Band (Vice Convener), H Anderson, M Barnacle, I Campbell, D Cuthbert, A Gaunt, J Giacopazzi, C Gillies, J Kellas, A Livingstone, M Lyle and G Walker


1.     Welcome and Apologies/Substitutes

2.     Declarations of Interest

3.     Minute of meeting of Development Management Committee of 15 April 2015

4.     Deputations

5.     Applications for Determination

(1)   Major Applications

(i)    15/00081/FLM - STRATHALLAN - Change of use of land and associated operations for the purpose of holding an annual music festival including permanent works relating to water supply and drainage, access and engineering works and temporary works relating to event site preparation and decommissioning at Strathallan Castle Estate, Strathallan, Auchterarder (PDF, 12 MB) - Report of Handling by Development Quality Manager (Recommendation - Approve) (copy herewith 15/172) (Pages 9-88)

(ii)   15/00240/IPM - MILNATHORT - Variation of conditions 1 and 2 of permission 13/00436/IPM (modification of 07/00442/OUT residential development) to allow additional time for the submission of applications for the approval of matters specified in conditions, and the commencement of development on land at Pitdownies Farm, Manse Road, Milnathort (PDF, 2 MB) - Report of Handling by Development Quality Manager (Recommendation - Approve) (copy herewith 15/173) (Pages 89-102)

(2)   Local Applications

(i)    15/00037/FLL - BLAIRGOWRIE - Erection of a pavilion and formation of tennis courts at Land 50 Metres South East Of Blairgowrie And District Rifle Club, Coupar Angus Road, Blairgowrie (PDF, 2 MB) - Report of Handling by Development Quality Manager (Recommendation - Approve) (copy herewith 15/174) (Pages 103-118)

Last modified on 20 July 2016

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