Sources of advice about accessible information and Easy Read documents
The Council has produced some information about services in 'Easy Read' on the Learning Disability Services web pages. This is a simple method of using a combination of Plain English (opens new window), with related images to enhance understanding and meaning. It is commonly used to simplify ideas and is most effective when used to guide and support a discussion where the person has a learning disability or literacy problem.
Advice, guidance and resources for producing documents in an 'Easy Read' format is offered by the Housing and Community Safety Accessible Information Group - Contact:
IT for All: An Easy Read Guide to Getting Online
The Scottish Consortium for Learning Disability (SCLD) have produced a IT for All - An Easy Read Guide to Getting Online(opens new window) guide for people with learning disabilities.
This publication talks about the benefits of being on the internet, how to get connected, how to search for information and how to stay safe online.
Other sources of advice about accessible information and Easy Read
Mencap UK
Mencap UK produce a document called 'Make it clear' (PDF, 360 KB) which is a guide to producing documents in Easy Read.
Scottish Accessible Information Forum - SAIF
The Scottish Accessible Information Forum (SAIF) works to promote social inclusion by representing the interests of people living with information needs across Scotland and supporting the rights of disabled people and carers in having access to timely and accurate information.
SAIF can help you make your information accessible to all by raising your awareness & understanding of accessible information and providing information and support for you and your organisation.
AccessAble is a free online access guide to public venues across Perth and Kinross. Shops, pubs, and theatres, hotels, train stations, leisure facilities, libraries and even local Council offices are just some of the types of places that are included in this guide.
DisabledGo's mission is to maximise independence and choice for disabled people in accessing their local area and the places we all want to visit.