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Report a road or street lighting fault

The Council is responsible for looking after all public roads in Perth and Kinross except for motorways and trunk roads. We take the safety of the public very seriously, and greatly value alerts from citizens about potential problems or dangers.

Emergency faults

Those of an immediate danger or hazard - phone 01738 476476.

Non emergency faults

Report a road or street lighting fault online

Faults can include:

  • Potholes and damaged paths
  • Blocked drains and flooding
  • Fallen trees, overhanging branches and overgrown hedges
  • Winter maintenance enquiries
  • Traffic lights or pedestrian crossing out of order
  • Broken and faulty street lights
  • Other road defects

For sewage related issues on public roads or footpaths, contact Scottish Water on 0800 0778 778.

Prioritising maintenance

The Council maintains the roads according to a policy for inspection and repair that reflects national best practice and which has been approved by the Council.

Budgets for road maintenance are very restricted and as such not all desirable works can be carried out. It is necessary to prioritise works in the interest of public safety and to restrict future deterioration. As such it may be some time before requested works can be carried out.

Roads and pavements are inspected, defects are identified, and a repair made in accordance with the risk posed to the public.

Reporting potholes - what you need to know

Please help us by only reporting potholes that are likely to cause a serious accident. We do have a record of most potholes and are out inspecting roads all the time to ensure we are picking these up.

If you do report a pothole, we ask for your patience in terms of the repair process which can take up to 30 days. We are also sorry that we cannot give you an individual response to every report. We are overwhelmed with reports and can often spend time processing these rather than fixing the potholes themselves.

We would like to thank you for your understanding and patience as we get the necessary repair work underway following the snow and ice of the last few weeks.

Surface dressing

Surface dressing is one of the ways we maintain our roads.  The road is sealed to prevent water seeping in, improves surface texture and prolongs the life of the road by many years.

Find out more about Surface dressing (PDF, 88 KB), the process, how we notify you of work and what to expect during the works.

Last modified on 12 February 2024

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