All footpaths have been assessed and given a priority based on their usage and importance. You can search for gritting routes on the map.
View priority gritted routes map
Category 1
Priority routes - main shopping areas, main arterial footways, busy feeder footways and footways leading to community centres and centres of employment.
Service provided
- Gritted in snow and ice conditions
Hours of cover
- 06:30 - 18:00 Monday to Saturday and 08:00 - 16:00 Sunday and public holidays
Category 2
Priority routes - as category 1 but also other footways with significant usage
Service provided
- Gritted in snow and ice conditions
Hours of cover
- 08:00 - 15:00 Monday to Friday after gritting of category 1 routes completed
Category 3
Non priority routes - less well used footways and footways where a feasible alternative route exists
Service provided
- Only treated in prolonged snow and ice conditions if time and resources permit
Hours of cover
- 08:00 - 15:00 Monday to Friday after gritting of category 1 and 2 routes completed
Category 4
Footways which are not the responsibility of the Council and which are not considered to be important in the footway network will not be gritted.