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Change of name

Any person whose birth is registered in Scotland or who was legally adopted in Scotland may apply for a recorded change of name. Please contact your local registration office for more information.

  • Changes of forename in the first two years
    The forename must have been changed within 12 months from the date of birth.
  • Changes of forename or surname of children under 16
    One change of forename may be recorded, but only if a change of forename has not been recorded as above.  One change of surname may be recorded.
  • Changes of forename or surname of persons over 16
    One change of forename and up to 3 changes of surname may be recorded.  With changes of surname, a period of 5 years must elapse after one change is recorded before another change may be recorded.

Visit the National Records of Scotland for further details and an application form to record a change of name.

If you were born outwith Scotland, you should contact a Registrar in your country of birth to find out what method is used in that country.

Last modified on 10 January 2017

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