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Dangerous and defective buildings

It is the responsibility of the owner(s) of a building to maintain it in a good state of repair and address any problems that may occur for instance as the result of extreme weather conditions.

Report a dangerous building

If you are concerned about the condition of a building to the extent you think it may be dangerous, please report it to us by calling 01738 475300 (during office hours 8.45 am - 5.00 pm) or 01738 476476 (emergencies only outwith office hours).

What we will do

  • Undertake an inspection as soon as possible (this depends on the level of risk).
  • Decide if immediate action is required to remove the danger or secure the site. 
  • We will other than in extreme cases encourage the owner(s) to arrange remedial works.
  • In extreme circumstances we may undertake the minimum work necessary to safeguard the public such as secure the site. 
  • We will then serve a Dangerous Building Notice to require the owner(s) to do work to make the building safe.

If the building is in a state of disrepair but not dangerous, we will liaise with colleagues in Environmental Health to determine if formal action is required. Ultimately we may serve a Defective Buildings Notice requiring the owner(s) to bring the building back into a good state or repair. 

In either case where a Notice is served, we may arrange for the necessary work to be undertaken if the owners fail to respond within the specified timeframe. 

If the council require to undertake work in default the owner(s) will be liable for all costs incurred, including administrative costs (it is therefore invariably cheaper to undertake the work without our involvement).

Enforcement register

Details of Notices appear in the Building Standards Register and may impact on any proposed sale of a property.

Notices prior to 1 May 2005 (issued under the Building (Scotland) Acts 1959 & 1970) that remain outstanding are listed below:

Perth City Heritage Fund

Limited grant funding may be available for buildings located within the Perth Central and Kinnoull Conservation Area. Details available from Perth & Kinross Heritage Trust.

Last modified on 25 October 2021

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