Services offered by businesses cannot be approved or recommended, but traders who are committed to trading fairly and honestly can find out how to apply to join the registration scheme.
How do I join?
You can download a New BBP Application form (Word doc, 129 KB) and the NEW BBP Code of Practice (Word doc, 230 KB) and email the electronic application form to Alternatively, you can request an application pack by contacting us on 01738 476476.
Am I eligible to join?
Apart from a requirement to have been trading for at least six months, there are few restrictions.
Traders who wish to join the Better Business Partnership must give a formal undertaking:
- To operate their business in a fair and honest manner (see the NEW BBP Trading Fairly Guidelines (Word doc, 72 KB) for traders on meeting the Better Business Partnership commitment to fair and honest trading)
- To comply with all requirements of the criminal and civil law and not to seek to restrict customers' civil rights
- To provide staff training to ensure staff have a suitable working knowledge of relevant criminal and consumer law.
- To act in a considerate manner and respect client's privacy and property
- To operate a customer complaints procedure, dealing with complaints promptly, fairly and in a courteous manner and to follow the scheme's complaints/mediation policy
- To, where necessary, provide membership details and show a membership ID card to prospective clients.
Why join?
- Businesses can show that they are genuinely committed to fair and honest trade.
- Prospective customers will have improved confidence that they are dealing with a registered business whose real identity is transparent
- The scheme will be promoted to prospective customers, giving a real advantage when seeking business
- Members can display the scheme logo on premises, vehicles, marketing materials and stationery, highlighting their status
- Closer links with regulating authorities allows businesses to form a better relationship based on co-operation rather than enforcement
How much will it cost?
There is an initial payment of £50 on application, this covers the processing of the application, one ID card and membership for the rest of the current year.
This application fee is non-refundable if your application is unsuccessful for any reason.
There will be an annual renewal fee of £50 payable in December, for membership for the following year. You will be supplied with a Better Business Partnership member sticker with the current year on it when you renew your membership.
Failure to pay the renewal fee will result in revocation of your membership.
* If additional ID cards are requested, an additional £5 per additional card will be added.
What do I do next?
Return the completed application form to Perth & Kinross Council, BBP, Trading Standards, Housing & Environment, Pullar House, 35 Kinnoull Street, Perth, PH1 5GD or send to the email address above.
Please include a cheque for the application fee made out to 'Perth and Kinross Council' or tick the box on the application form to indicate your method of payment.
If you have requested an ID card, you will receive instructions on obtaining your card with your membership certificate.
Your membership certificate will be emailed to you once you have been through the application process and have been accepted onto the scheme.
If you have any questions, or require help to fill in the form, please do not hesitate to contact Trading Standards on 01738 476476 or the email address above.
Additional terms for dog walkers
Dog walkers must:
- Not exercise more than six dogs at any one time
- Have relevant pet business insurance
- Comply with all current dog related laws, regulations, guidance and Best Practice
- Keep accurate up to date records for each dog in their care
- Transport dogs in a vehicle fit for the safe and secure transportation of dogs
- Carry a first aid kit at all times which is designed for dogs
- Ensure that dogs in their care wear a tag which identifies the dog walker at all times
- Control dogs at all times during exercise
- Monitor dogs at all times and clean up any fouling in the appropriate manner
- Be a responsible dog walker and adhere to Commercial dog walking Scottish Outdoor Access Code