1. MyPKC

Paid care workers

If a member of your household is a paid care worker, you may be eligible to claim a discount on your council tax.

If you live with one other adult that you provide care for, a 25% discount will apply.  If there are other adults residing at the property, you may still be entitled to a discount depending on their circumstances.  Please contact Local Taxes on 01738 477430 for more information.

This discount reduces your Council Tax, water and sewerage charges.


A person must be:

  • resident in the property where they are caring to enable the best care to be provided
  • providing care or support on behalf of a relevant body such as a Local Authority, the Crown or a charitable organisation
  • engaged or employed to do so for at least 24 hours a week;
  • in receipt under his engagement/employment of not more than £44 pay per week; and
  • resident in the property provided by or on behalf of the relevant body or employer for the better performance of the work.

How to apply

Applications are now part of our wider 'Apply Once' application form where you can find out what other benefits, discounts and exemptions administered by the Council you're entitled to receive. 

Complete our online application form

Alternatively, if you are unable to complete our online application, please download and complete the personal discount application (PDF, 830 KB). This can be returned by post to Pullar House, 35 Kinnoull Street, Perth, PH1 5GD or by e-mail to localtaxes@pkc.gov.uk.

Other help available

For further advice about benefit entitlement or other help available, please contact the Welfare Rights Advice Line on 01738 476900 (option 1) or visit the Benefits and advice section.

Last modified on 22 January 2025

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