Children and young people with additional support needs who are resident in Perth and Kinross are supported to access their education in Early Learning and Childcare (ELC) settings or schools.
The inclusion of children and young people with additional support needs is core to the delivery of learning within all of the ELC settings and schools. The support provided for children and young people with additional support needs should be as least intrusive as possible, based on assessment, and agreed through planning involving parents and carers, and any partner agencies who are providing support to the child.
To support ELC settings and schools to provide the right support at the right time for the children on their school roll, a Staged Intervention Framework (PDF, 548 KB) has been developed. This framework guides the expected staged approach of ELC settings and schools to the provision of support required at Universal, Additional, Enhanced, and Intensive levels. The Staged Intervention Framework (PDF, 548 KB) links to guidance on assessment, the ASN Assessment Framework (PDF, 702 KB), and guidance on the Child or Young Person's Plan process. (PDF, 578 KB), which will be implemented through a phased approach over the next three years.
Almost all children and young people are supported in a mainstream ELC setting, Primary, All-through or Secondary school. Some Primary, All-through or Secondary schools have an Intensive Support Provision (ISP), the ISPs and Fairview School are considered to be special school provision and provide education for a small number of children and young people whose additional support needs require their learning to be supported at Stage 4 (Intensive level supports).
The delivery of support for learning is underpinned by legislation. The Education (Additional Support for Learning) (Scotland) Act came into effect in November 2005; this established rights for parents and duties on Education Authorities. Implementation of this legislation is supported by statutory guidance published in 2017. Therefore, Education and Learning service within Perth and Kinross Council has a duty to make adequate and efficient provision for the additional support of each child and young person with additional support needs for whose education they are responsible.
Further information regarding Additional Support Needs can be found in the following information sheets*:
- Leaflet 1 Does my child have ASN (PDF, 170 KB)
- Leaflet 2 How will my childs Additional Support Needs be met (PDF, 136 KB)
- Leaflet 3 What type of plan might my child need (PDF, 126 KB)
- Leaflet 4 What is a Child or Young Persons Plan meeting (PDF, 113 KB)
- Leaflet 5 - Additional Support Needs - Resolving Disagreements (PDF, 236 KB)
- Leaflet 6 What support is available in Early Years (PDF, 196 KB)
- Leaflet 7 Transitions (PDF, 95 KB)
- Leaflet 8 Placing Requests (PDF, 69 KB)
- Leaflet 9 How does the Law support children young people and parents (PDF, 69 KB)
- Leaflet 10 As a parent and as a yp what can I ask for (PDF, 63 KB)
- Leaflet 11 Outreach Support Service (PDF, 60 KB)