1. MyPKC

Home Education - A Parent's Choice

Child's Right to an Education

Every school age child has a right to be provided with school education, (Standards in Scotland's Schools etc Act 2000 Section 1)

Parents' Responsibility to Provide Education

It is the duty of the parent of every child of school age to provide efficient education for them, suitable to their age, ability and aptitude, either by arranging for them to attend a local authority school regularly or 'by other means'.  (Education (Scotland) Act 1980 Section 30)

Home education is one such 'other means'.  If parents are providing a home education experience for their child it must be suitable to the age, ability and aptitude of the child.   It must also take account of any additional support needs that the child may have.

Providing home education for a child can be a very rewarding experience for both parents and children.  Many parents have now had an opportunity to provide education at home during the Covid-19 school closure periods and have found that both they and their child have enjoyed and benefited from the experience.  Providing home education on a permanent basis is a significant commitment as it means removing the child from the local authority school system and taking full responsibility for the child's education. If you are considering providing home education for your child, you might find it helpful to discuss your plan with others who know your child's learning needs.  This might be the Headteacher at your child's school or other parents who already home educate.  Alternatively, you can request an informal discussion with a member of the Perth and Kinross Council service who are responsible for home education by contacting HomeEducation@pkc.gov.uk.

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