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Infant massage

Infant massage is the positive nurturing touch that builds on the bonding and relationship between parent/carer and child.

Infant Massage is a relaxed and informal 5-week programme which is delivered regularly in various locations throughout Perth and Kinross.  The sessions are led by Parenting and Family Learning Team staff or Home Start volunteers and all tutors are Scottish School of Child and Baby Massage trained. 

Infant Massage promotes communication through positive touch including cuddles and helps parents/carers to become more aware of their baby's cues.  It is also increasingly recognised as offering a wide range of benefits for both child and care giver which may include relief from the pain of indigestion, colic, constipation or wind.

We are currently running both virtual and face to face groups. Sessions last for 1 hour 15 minutes for virtual groups or 1 hour 30 minutes for face to face groups.

Participants will learn different massage strokes each week and there is also time for discussion and information sharing at the end of the session.

All parents who attend our Infant Massage groups will receive a Treasure Pouch to help support their baby's development.

If you meet the application criteria and you think may benefit from our programme, please speak to your local health visitor about applying on your behalf.  You can also contact the Parenting and Family Learning Team on 01738 477697 for more information.

Last modified on 01 May 2024

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