Self Directed Support (SDS) is about working with young people and their families to develop a personalised support plan for the future.
In Perth and Kinross we have changed the way in which we provide support for those requiring social care, including children and young people, in line with Social Care (Self Directed Support)(Scotland) Act. The new approach provides more choice, flexibility and control over how support is provided, and allows people to live an independent and fulfilling life in their local community.
SDS means that people have much more choice in how their care and support is provided and managed. There are four different SDS options that children and their families/carers can choose from to best suits their individual needs.
For more information about SDS for children and young people call 01738 476938 / 476189 or email
A guide to Self Directed Support for children and young people (PDF, 537 KB) with information about the different options for care is also available to download.