The Living Wage is a voluntary hourly rate of pay set independently and updated annually. It is calculated according to the basic cost of living in the UK and is currently £9.50 per hour.
Payment of the Living Wage not only benefits employees, it is a significant indicator of the employer's commitment to fair work practices.
Perth and Kinross Council is an accredited Living Wage Employer. By going above and beyond the Statutory Living Wage, Perth and Kinross Council is leading by example and we hope that our move will encourage other employers in the area to adopt the voluntary Living Wage and reduce in-work poverty.
Companies which deliver public contracts are able to demonstrate how they comply with relevant employment, equality and health and safety law, human rights standards and adhere to relevant collective agreements.
When developing contracts we will ask bidders to demonstrate their policies which describe how they adopt fair work practices for all workers engaged on delivering the public contract.