Community Benefits
The Council is committed to working with communities and businesses to achieve social value from the money we spend. Watch the YouTube video for more information.
Perth and Kinross Council maintain a wish list and map which highlight any communities who require some help in achieving their goals. Items from this list can be included in the supplier quality submissions in any tender responses.
Local communities or organisations can submit a request for specific help via our online community benefits wish list form and provide details of any requirements and timescales.
Community Benefits Wish List Form
This can include requests for sponsorship, donations of material or labour, presentations, work experience or any community related help. Please note that there are no guarantees that requests will be fulfilled.
Examples of community benefits already delivered through contracts providing goods, services or works is available on our community benefits delivered map. Some examples of recent case studies include Cleaning the Perth Lade (PDF, 1 MB) and HMP Castle Huntly (PDF, 351 KB).
Community benefits will be managed at any regular contract meetings between suppliers, and the Perth and Kinross contract owner.
If you have any further enquiries relating to community benefits, then please email
Sustainable Procurement
Contracts let by the Council are developed with regard to our Sustainable Procurement Policy (PDF, 50 KB), the aim of which is to embed social, economic or environmental benefit into all of the contracts we require to deliver our services to communities.
Sustainable procurement is defined as "a process that achieves value for money on a whole life basis and generates benefits not only to the organisation, but also to society and the economy whilst minimising damage to the environment."