Perth and Kinross Council adopted the Local Development Plan on 29 November 2019 and as part of preparing the Plan carried out additional consultation on a suggested extension to a housing site in Dunning.
Thanks to everyone who attended the exhibition on Monday 15th May 2017 at Dunning Village Hall, and submitted comments on the suggested extension to the site. A summary of the key issues raised is attached below, these responses informed preparation of the Proposed Local Development Plan:
Attached below are the consultation materials that were displayed at the exhibition:
- Context for Consultation (PDF, 95 KB) for this Consultation (prepared by the Council)
- Site Plan (PDF, 2 MB) of the suggested Site (prepared by the developer)
- Illustrative Layout (PDF, 2 MB) of the suggested Site (prepared by the developer)
Why did this consultation take place?
The Council held this additional Local Development Plan consultation between Main Issues Report stage (engaging on issues and options) and the Proposed Plan stage (when the Council decides what its settled view is). The purpose of this consultation event was to engage with the community and seek local views on whether or not an extension would be supported. It was felt that a public consultation would be useful to inform preparation of the Proposed Local Development Plan.
Who can I contact about this?
You can telephone the Local Development Plan Team on 01738 475300.