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Organised to deliver


Managing people

People remain at the heart of everything we do, and what sets us apart as a Council, is our ongoing commitment to acknowledging and maintaining a collective focus on the connection between leadership, employee engagement and organisational culture.

Our success in managing and developing our workforce is in large part due to our partnership of working effectively with both our employees, and the trade unions which represent our employees. We maintain a positive employee relations climate through engaging trade union officers in early and ongoing dialogue in strategic workforce matters, including the annual revenue budget setting process and the transformation programme. Working together with employees and Trade Unions will be a continuing feature of how we lead and manage our people.  Our People and Culture Strategy 2024-28 (PDF) [1MB] sets out our vision for our the organisation and for the people of Perth and Kinross.  For more information, visit our Human resources management information page.

Financial management

The challenging financial environment, together with changing demographics and rising demands on services, means that effective medium-term and longer-term financial planning is critical for the Council as we need to plan for a range of possibilities. The Head of Finance will continue to update and refine the Medium Term Financial Plan to ensure that we are supporting Elected Members in making informed, evidence based decisions on future expenditure priorities. View the  Revenue & Capital Budget 2023/24 (PDF) [590KB]  or visit our Council finance pages for additional detail.

Asset management

Focussing on the best use of our physical assets - properties, roads, vehicles, public space and technology equipment - through an asset management approach ensures resources are targeted at priorities, and improves our efficiency. View our Corporate Asset Management Framework for more details.


We spend £200m each year with third party suppliers, including commissioned services, and the procurement of goods and services. The Council has demonstrated its commitment to ensuring best value in procurement.  View our Sustainable Procurement Strategy 2024-2029 (PDF) [750KB]  and Procurement Annual Report 2023-2024 (PDF) [742KB] , or visit our Tenders and contracts page for more details.


Across the public and private sectors, transformation is driving investment in new technologies with the aim of delivering better services at reduced cost. We are currently refreshing our ICT priorities because of the rapid pace of technological change, and because people's expectations of our public services are changing fundamentally. The Council's Digital Strategy further recognises the importance of ICT as an enabler for organisational change.

Our ICT ambitions are reflected in our current Transformation projects around digital engagement and open data sharing, as well as collaborative working with other Councils and public services around the Digital Scotland agenda.

Leadership and Innovation

Leadership and Innovation throughout our services enables Perth and Kinross Council to deliver on our ambitions for the future. To ensure our workforce have the capabilities and resilience to meet the changing demands of public service delivery in a post COVID-19 environment, we have developed our People and Culture Strategy (PDF) [1MB]  in the context of a more proactive approach to developing leadership through our recently agreed leadership competencies framework.

Partnership Working

The Council understands that we can only achieve our collective vision for Perth and Kinross by working alongside local people and communities. This collaboration is undertaken through the Community Planning Partnership (CPP), comprising public, private and 3rd Sector bodies. 

Our Working in Partnership with Communities corporate plan priority comes from our commitment to balance the relationship between people who design and deliver services and those who ultimately use them.  We know communities are better at identifying their needs and designing solutions. By focussing our efforts and resources together we can make a positive difference to people's lives. 

Customer and Community Consultation and Engagement

We are committed to ensuring our service users are actively involved in the design and development of their local services.  Further details can be found on our Customer engagement page. 

Equality and Diversity

The Council is committed to delivering services which are fair and inclusive for all of our citizens and we work to eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation or any other prohibited conduct.  A more complete picture of our actions can be found throughout our Equality pages.

Governance and Accountability

The Council is strategically led by Chief Executive, Thomas Glen, supported by two Directors and the Director/Chief Officer of the Health and Social Care Partnership. We provide a huge range of services that impact on every aspect of people's lives. Each service area is led by a Strategic Lead with responsibility for operational delivery aligned to our corporate priorities. A more complete picture of our services and department can be found throughout our Council departments pages.

We operate under a set of documents that govern and guide the decisions made by the Council and its officers and ensures that robust, clear and accountable organisational frameworks are in place. This is outlined in the Standing Orders of Perth and Kinross Council. You can also find the agendas, minutes and officer reports of previous meetings and dates of future meetings in our Committees pages.

Sustainable Development 

The Council has a key role to play in helping to deliver a more sustainable area, as an employer with responsibility for staff and buildings, as a provider of local services, and as a community leader working in partnership with other organisations, stakeholders and local communities. Further details can be found throughout our Sustainable Development  page. 

Last modified on 03 July 2024

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