Stagecoach (01738 629339)
Important information
- Travel on this school bus contract is only available to pupils who have applied for and been issued with a free Perth & Kinross Council School Travel Pass. Please see Schools - transport and trips to apply online or order a replacement pass.
Bus times and stop information
To Perth Grammar School | Time |
Spittalfield | 0753 |
Caputh | 0758 |
Murthly | 0803 |
Stanley (Village Hall) | 0811 |
Stanley (Cross) | 0813 |
Luncarty | 0818 |
Perth Grammar School | 0835 |
St John's Academy | 0840 |
From Perth Grammar School | Time |
St John's Academy | 1535 |
Perth Grammar School | 1540 |
Luncarty | 1554 |
Stanley (Cross) | 1600 |
Stanley (Village Hall) | 1602 |
Murthly | 1610 |
Caputh | 1614 |
Spittalfield | 1618 |
Please note that the times and stops detailed above are the main timing points, however if required, the service will stop at intermediate pick-up points (where safe to do so) along the route.
Connection details
Connects with D&J Taxis (Tel: 01738 446688) Contract AST/001 (F) at Luncarty, Main Road Marshall Way Bus Shelter AM and Luncarty, Main Road opposite Marshall Way Bus Shelter PM.
Route map
Everyone should be safe during their journey to/from school, so pupils are reminded to wear the seatbelt provided. Good behaviour is also very important so that the bus driver is not distracted. Avoid littering to help keep the school bus clean and tidy. Vandalism is not welcome on the school bus.
Pupils are encouraged to follow the 4 R's: Respect yourself, Respect others, Respect your environment and take Responsibility for your actions.
Pupils should read the Travelling to School Information Booklet which is available to download on this page and follow the advice provided.