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Coronavirus: Support from local business organisations

Business Gateway Tayside

Business Gateway Tayside is one of the Council's main interfaces with business, and for advice on specific business issues (listed below), please contact an advisor on 01738 658177.

Business Gateway can help you with:

  • Crisis Planning - advice on insurance, staffing, HR Solutions, Scot Gov financial assistance.
  • BG National are also exploring information and advice for particularly vulnerable sectors, such as Hospitality, food & drink, retail, leisure industry etc. which will be posted online.

Alternatively, see their dedicated Business Gateway coronavirus web page.


Growbiz can assist rural businesses, and are working to provide immediate reassurance to businesses in Perth and Kinross surrounding the Covid-19 outbreak. They can be contacted on: 01828 627790 or

Growbiz can provide you with:

  • Phone and online advice sessions, and a range of online learning and networking opportunities.
  • Help businesses think through alternative strategies and different ways to reach their markets.
  • Help anyone who is self-employed or running a small or micro-business in a rural area to get through the next few months.

Perthshire Chamber of Commerce

The Chamber is an independent voice for local businesses in Perth & Kinross and can be contacted on 01738 448325 or by email to

Perthshire Chamber can provide you with:

  • Online resources and regularly updated information from the Scottish Government.
  • Guidance and quick links to relevant external support organisations.

Scottish Chamber of Commerce Network Business Support Hub

The new Business Support Hub on the SCC website has been created to enable businesses to find useful information quickly. The Hub is updated daily and includes information on business support and access to finance.

Federation of Small Businesses

The Federation of Small Businesses can provide you with advice and guidance on reducing the risks from the Covid-19 virus to you and your business. They can be contacted on: 0808 20 20 888.

FSB can help you with:

  • Guidance to help with managing your staff and your responsibilities.
  • Provide a list of key contacts for small businesses.

We will continue to monitor the situation closely, and regularly review the support we can offer to ensure it remains useful and relevant.

Last modified on 07 October 2022

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