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Justice and Community Safety Services - Programmes

Our service offers a number of programmes to those who are open to us on Community Payback Orders or Licences. Your worker will refer you in to these if you are assessed as suitable. 

One-stop Women's Learning Service (OWLS)

OWLS is a community-based Justice and Community Safety Service for women only. Our goal is to support women to prevent re-offending and to help the Court avoid the use of custody for women, by getting a community disposal from court.

As well as addressing offending behaviour, the service also provides support to improve self-esteem, health and well-being, mental and physical health, stabilise drug and alcohol use, support women who have experienced domestic violence and sexual abuse, provide assistance with housing benefits and financial issues .

We work alongside other agencies to support women in all areas of their lives.  We offer intensive support, based on individual needs one to one support, as well as group work and drop in facilities at our purpose designed centre.

This leaflet (PDF, 1 MB) provides more information on the One-stop Women's Learning Service.

Men's Service

The Men's Service is a new service that will look at new ways to offer Supervision to men who are either on Community Payback Orders or licences.

It will be a combination of group activities and one to one focussed work looking at building positive futures and change, with the programme of work partly chosen by the men who are part of the project. It is hoped that the men involved will be able to support each other in their learning, as well as contribute to the design of the project.

Potential topics will include healthy relationships, fatherhood, healthy lifestyles, positive activities such as cooking and sports, and building positive mental health. The project hopes to bring multiple agencies under one roof, to allow men to access appropriate services easily, and to build positive relationships with support agencies.

Right Track

Our service offers Structure Deferred Sentences to young people aged 16-26 years through a programme called Right Track. It is generally used for young people who are at risk of custody, and who would struggle to comply with a Community Payback Order.

Key features are:

  • Usually lasts for six months, although this can be extended by the Court, if needed
  • Intensive one to one support with a named support worker
  • Group work sessions
  • If suitable, involvement with a work programme which is designed to get young people used to the discipline of Unpaid Work

Benefits of Right Track

  • More intensive support, based on individual needs
  • Successful completion of the programme can mean a lesser sentence when the case returns to Court, particularly if you have engaged with the work programme

Caledonian Programme

The Caledonian programme is a way to address men's domestic abuse and to improve the lives of women, children and men

It is an accredited groupwork programme which works with men who have been convicted of domestic offences, as well as offering support to the victims and their family.

The Caledonian programme is designed to work with men where there is an assessed pattern of coercive controlling behaviour. The programme takes part in 3 stages:

  • Pre group work completed with your Social Worker
  • A rolling programme of group work
  • A maintenance and monitoring period following group work

If a man assessed as suitable for the programme, and the Court decides that it is appropriate, then they will either be made subject to a two-year Community Payback Order with Supervision and Programme requirements, or it will be made a condition of a licence following a custodial sentence.

For further information, visit Caledonian System Evaluation: Analysis of a programme for tackling domestic abuse in Scotland.

Counselling Therapy Service

Counselling Therapy is a Service offered on a one to one basis to men and women already within the Justice and Community Safety Service. 

What to expect from Counselling:

  • Make sense of a specific problematic event/s.
  • Problem-solving, planning and decision-making.
  • Change behaviour.
  • Deal with feelings and emotions.
  • Undo self-criticism and enhance self-care

As a member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy the counsellor adheres to their Ethical Framework.  The framework is available on the BACP's website.

Drink Driving Groupwork Programme

The Drink Driving Programme is for individuals who are subject to a Community Payback Order or Licence due to drink driving offences.

The Programme comprises of 8-10 weekly two hourly groupwork sessions.

Module topics include:

  • The effects of alcohol and why people drink
  • The impact of disqualification and what this means
  • Alcohol and Driving Skills
  • Problem solving
  • Reflecting on individual offences, understanding offending behaviour and confronting attitudes to effect change
  • Excuses for drink driving
  • Decision-making, risk taking and consequences
  • Alternative thinking

Moving Forward; Making Changes (MFMC)

MFMC is a rolling groupwork programme designed to work with men who commit sexual offences.

If a person is assessed as suitable for the programme, and the Court decides that it is appropriate, then they will either be made subject to a three year Community Payback Order with Supervision and Programme requirements, or it will be made a condition of a licence following a custodial sentence.

The programme takes part in 3 stages:

  • Pre group work completed with your Social Worker
  • A rolling programme of group work
  • A maintenance and monitoring period following group work
Last modified on 22 April 2024

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