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Comrie flood protection scheme - Local hearing

We published the notices for the Comrie Flood Protection Scheme on 28 February 2020. Two valid objections were received in relation to the scheme within the subsequent 28-day period. On 24 June 2020, the Full Council took a preliminary decision to confirm the proposed scheme without modification. The Scottish Ministers subsequently confirmed that they did not intend to consider the scheme and so the Council was required to hold a local authority hearing.

Officers have held separate discussions with both of the parties who submitted objections and while one objection was withdrawn, the other objection was maintained. 

View a copy of this objection (PDF, 32 KB), with personal information removed. 

The Council appointed an independent Reporter to consider the remaining objection at a local authority hearing. The Reporter was appointed to make a recommendation to the Council on whether the Council should:

  • confirm the proposed scheme without modification,
  • confirm the proposed scheme with modifications, or
  • reject the proposed scheme

The Local Hearing took place on 22 June 2021 at 10.00am.

Due to the on-going Covid-19 pandemic, the hearing took place online via the Microsoft Teams platform. Members of the public were welcome to join the MS Teams live event, a recording of which can be viewed on the Council's YouTube channel.

Local hearing - 22 June 2021

The hearing considered the following topics as part of the Flood Protection Scheme in the vicinity of the River Earn at the end of Commercial Lane, Comrie:

  • The process of developing the flood scheme proposals,
  • The construction of the proposed flood scheme, and
  • Access steps and related issues


Following the Local Hearing, the Reporter provided the Council with a report (PDF, 278 KB) on 7 July 2021. 

The report recommended that the Council dismiss this remaining objection and make a final decision to confirm the proposed scheme without modification.

The Council's Environment and Infrastructure Committee took this final decision on 18 August 2021. We published a final notice of the decision on the scheme on 3 September 2021 under the Flood Risk Management (Scotland) Act 2009 and the scheme became operative on 15 October 2021.

The Scottish Ministers directed that planning permission was deemed to be granted on 16 December 2021.

Next steps

The Council's consulting engineers have completed the detailed design of the scheme.  Please refer to our current progress and timeline page for the latest updates on scheme progress, community engagement and the latest community newsletter.

Contact details

If you have any queries relating to the Comrie Flood Protection Scheme please contact Ross Fletcher, Project Manager at

Correspondence can also be addressed to the Flooding Team, Environment & Infrastructure,  Perth & Kinross Council, Pullar House, 35 Kinnoull Street, Perth, PH1 5GD.

Last modified on 10 September 2024

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