The Triple P - Positive Parenting Programme knows all parents have different needs. That's why Triple P has many different ways for you to get your parenting help. So you can choose what will suit you and your family best.
Who is this for?
- parents/carers of teenagers
Triple P can help
- build a better relationship with your teenager
- reduce conflict
- keep your teenager safe
- be realistic about parenting
- take care of yourself
Is this your family?
Your teen's behaviour has become too much for you to handle. At home, there's probably a lot of shouting and very little agreement. Or maybe you don't bother trying to talk anymore. But you are worried. Where will this all end?
If this sounds familiar, then Group Teen Triple P can help you, and your teenager, get back on track.
Or is this you?
Or, maybe it isn't that bad. It's just that you realise things can change very quickly. So you're keen to know as much as possible about positive parenting so you'll be prepared if hassles arise. Group Teen Triple P can give you the support you need to be prepared!
What happens at Group Teen Triple P?
Group Teen Triple P is a great opportunity to meet other parents in similar situations - other parents who'll support you and share stories with you.
From the start, you'll be given tips and suggestions to suit the needs of your family. You'll see scenes from the Every Parent's Guide to Teenagers DVD, which will show you how the ideas work in real life. And your workbook will give you the tools and information you need to start positive parenting straight away at home. Your Teen Triple P provider will guide you every step of the way and even provide backup phone support as you put your new skills into practice.
How long does it take and how big are the groups?
There are about 12 parents in a group session. Usually, each session lasts no more than two hours at a time. In all, you'll attend no more than five group sessions - the first four should give you the tips you need to start positive parenting. Then, you'll have three weeks to practise Teen Triple P at home. Your Triple P provider will call you every week at a set time to find out how you're doing and offer advice if you're having any trouble. Those calls will last about 15 minutes. Finally, you'll meet up with your group and Triple P provider for one last session. This is a chance to go over any problems you may still have - and to congratulate yourself on how far you've come!
New dates coming soon.
How to apply
You can apply by completing an Application Form (PDF, 94 KB) and returning it by email to
Parents can apply individually or applications can be submitted by anyone who works with a child or family.