Peep Progression Pathway is a recognised qualification designed especially for parents with units SCQF credit rated by SQA using your existing skills and knowledge gained as a parent, together with the new things you will learn at Peep Progression Pathway group.
Our Peep Progression Pathway Programmes have been on hold due to COVID however please make contact if you would like to take part in future programmes.
What happens at a Peep Progression Pathway Programme?
Peep Progression Pathway Programmes offer weekly sessions lasting around 2 hours and include:
- Singing and rhyme time
- Storytime
- Book sharing
- Talk time
- Ideas for fun play activities which enhance children's learning
- Personal Learning Portfolio
- a recognised qualification designed especially for parents with units SCQF credit-rated by SQA
How to apply
You can apply by completing an Application Form (PDF, 94 KB), and returning it by email to
Parents can apply individually or applications can be submitted by anyone who works with a child or family.