Elected Member Briefing Note 2022, Issue 54
About this briefing note
Report by: Hunter Hope, Parking, Public Transport and Civil Contingencies Manager
Date: 25 November 2022
Subject: Parking account
Responsible Officer: Fraser Crofts, Head of Business & Resources (Communities)
This Briefing Note has been published on the Council's website following circulation to Councillors. Its contents may be disclosed or shared out with the Council.
This Briefing Note is being issued in response to a question raised at a meeting of the Finance & Resources Committee on 7 September 2022 regarding the costs of running car parks in Perth and Kinross and how profitable charges are with less people travelling into town.
Briefing Information
The Parking Account has a turnover of nearly £3.8m and absorbs a range of costs (eligible under the Road Traffic Act) which would otherwise be chargeable to the General Fund:
Expenditure area | Amount |
Staff costs | £1,338,000 |
Property costs (see below) | £1,161,000 |
Supplies and services (see below) | £962,000 |
Transport costs | £35,000 |
Third party payments (see below) | £173,000 |
Support service costs | £77,000 |
Capital financing costs | £37,000 |
Gross expenditure | £3,783,000 |
Income source | Amount |
On and off street income | £2,964,000 |
Penalty charge notice income | £776,000 |
Blue badge income | £60,000 |
Total income | £3,800,000 |
Expenditure analysis
Property costs include:
- Rates £411k
- Kinnoull St Car Park Unitary Charge £380k
- Rent £173k
- Electricity/Water £98k
Supplies and services costs include:
- Park and Ride £232k,
- Ticket machine equipment and maintenance £188k
- Maintenance of car parks and lines £120k
- Multi-storey car park security £75k
- IT systems £52k
- Bank charges £65k
- Provision for bad and doubtful debts £122k
Third party payments include:
- Shopmobility £31k
- Blue Badge occupational therapy health assessments £60k
- CCTV £50k
Based on September ledger information the projected outturn for the Parking account is a net deficit of £250k against budget, predominantly due to income generation continuing to recover from the pandemic which has improved steadily throughout the first 6 months of the 2022/23 financial year. It is hoped this trend will continue and income levels return to pre pandemic levels from the start of the 2023/24 financial year.
It should be noted that any in year net deficit will in the first instance be charged to the earmarked Parking Account Reserve which as at 31 March 2022 was £1,579k.