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Elected Member Briefing - impact of freezing weather on housing repairs service

Elected Member Briefing Note 2022, Issue 64

About this briefing note

Report by: Elaine Ritchie, Senior Service Manager, Housing

Date: 16 December 2022

Subject: Pressure on Housing Repairs Service

Responsible Officer: June McColl, Housing Service Manager



To provide details about pressures placed upon the Housing Repairs Service as a result of the recent extremely cold weather.

Briefing Information

The last week has seen a prolonged period of sub-zero temperatures across Perth and Kinross, which has led to increased demand on our Housing Repairs Service in recent days.

The call volume to our Repairs Service Centre has increased by over 150% in the last few days. On an average day we receive approximately 100 calls. Currently we are receiving over 300 per day.

Most of the calls relate to leaks, frozen pipes or frozen condensate pipes. We believe that many of these are as a result of people not heating their homes, the most likely scenario due to the cost of living crisis. The team have been working as fast as possible to tackle any urgent repairs that are reported to us, so that our tenants can keep warm. We are also delivering temporary heaters and bottled water to tenants where required. 

Due to the increased pressure on our call handlers, other areas of the Housing Service have offered additional staff to take calls. Between today and yesterday, the team worked with IT to resolve some issues that will allow them to be able to assist.  This has meant that an additional eight members of staff will be able to support the normal team. 

Our staff are working very hard to answer calls as quickly as possible, but customers are experiencing some waiting time at peak periods due to the sheer volume of calls. We have issued information on our dedicated social media channels for our tenants, as well as the Housing Repairs web page, to advise people that we are experiencing a high volume of calls, and asking them to:

  • Be patient when they call, as we will answer
  • Be polite to our staff when their call is answered, despite some understandable frustration
  • Only call us with an urgent emergency repair
  • To report non-urgent repairs using MyPKC or by emailing

We would ask you to pass on this advice to any of your constituents who come to you to speak about a repair.

We can reassure you that we are working as hard as we can in challenging circumstances to get through all the emergency repairs that are reported to us.

In addition, as noted in the weather update, 38 Council houses around Perth and Kinross have to date been affected by flooding from burst pipes. Seven households have been relocated to alternative temporary accommodation and other tenants have made their own arrangements. The situation will continue to be monitored. 

Normal out of hours arrangements will be in place over the weekend.

Last modified on 04 January 2023

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