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Corporate Plan 2022/23 to 2027/28

Corporate Plan Priority: Tackling climate change and supporting sustainable places

This priority contributes to delivery of the following outcomes or aspects of our vision:

  • Perth and Kinross is a safe and vibrant place, mitigating the impact of climate and environmental change for this and future generations

Key actions

  • Support the prioritisation of sustainable, cleaner and greener transport in line with the National and Regional Transport Strategies
  • Improve the energy efficiency of our Council housing stock and public buildings, and encourage our partners and private householders to consider where they can make improvements
  • To conserve and enhance the biodiversity of our natural environment
  • To adapt to and mitigate the impact of climate change on the way we operate

View the performance measures and targets (PDF) [39KB] for these actions.


In November 2022, the Council declared a Climate and Biodiversity Emergency. While climate change is a global problem, the impacts are felt locally, and we all need to work together if we are going to mitigate the impact of climate change and address the causes.

Councillors unanimously backed the Perth and Kinross Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan in December 2021. This sets out detailed actions for how the Perth and Kinross area will reach net zero carbon emissions by 2045. The Perth and Kinross Climate Action website (opens new window) provides the most up-to-date look at the progress of the action plan and information on community climate action projects and groups.

In setting our actions under this priority we have tried to focus on those which we can deliver either ourselves or by working closely with established partners. However, in this area more than any other it is important that we lead by example embedding a climate aware approach into every part of our work, minimising the impact we have and planning for a sustainable future.

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