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Physical Education information for primary school pupils and families

Physical Education is now delivered as part of Health and Wellbeing within the Curriculum for Excellence. Quality Physical Education (PE) is essential for improving the health and wellbeing of all pupils.

PE should:

  • teach pupils how to be active
  • challenge and motivate pupils
  • offer a variety of experiences in physical activities
  • develop pupils' skills and knowledge to be active for life
  • challenge pupils to deliver their physical fitness, physical competencies, cognitive skills and personal qualities

Perth & Kinross Council is committed to providing all pupils in primary schools with 2 hours quality Physical Education. This will be delivered by either a PE specialist or by the classroom teacher,  depending on the staffing circumstances in each primary school.

Activities delivered within PE may vary from school to school, but your child should be able to experience the following activities as they progress through their primary school:

  • Gymnastics
  • Invasion Games
  • Team building skills
  • Outdoor Education
  • Aesthetic Activities
  • Athletics
  • Striking and Fielding
  • Fitness
  • Swimming

The Role of the Teachers and Physical Education Specialists

Teachers and Physical Education Specialists will:

  • Provide a safe working environment for all children and young people .
  • Have the highest expectations of all pupils.
  • Provide a programme that meets the needs of all pupils.
  • Offer children and young people experiences across a range of activities and disciplines.
  • Include activities which are competitive and co-operative; group and individual; indoor and outdoor; creative and technical; high energy and relaxing.
  • Evaluate, assess and inform pupils of their performance for the development and progression of their learning.
  • Include self and peer assessments as methods of identifying next steps in learning.
  • Improve their own knowledge, understanding and practice in teaching Physical Education by attending CPD opportunities as appropriate.
  • Work alongside specialist coaches delivering physical activities within the PE programme.

Health Promoting Schools

All Perth and Kinross schools are working towards being a health promoting school. The World Health Organisation defines this as:  

"A Health promoting school is one which all members of the school community work together to provide pupils with integrated and positive experiences and structures, which promote and protect their health."

Active Schools

This national initiative is aimed at encouraging more children to become and stay active. Emphasis is on targeting those children who are more likely to be excluded from taking part in activities. Each school has an Active Schools Co-ordinator who works closely with partner agencies to:

  • increase the number of children and young people participating in physically active lifestyles on a daily basis
  • improve the links between schools, clubs and the wider community
  • develop and promote additional extracurricular activities

More information on Active Schools in Perth and Kinross can be found here:


How can I support my child to participate enthusiastically in Physical Education?

  • Find out from your school which days your child has regular PE.
  • Ensure your child is prepared with appropriate clothing for indoor and outdoor activities, taking account of the weather.
  • You should encourage your child to take part, work hard and persevere in more challenging tasks in Physical Education.
  • You can contribute to your child's health and well-being by encouraging your child to be active out of school
  • If your child is unable to take part in PE due to injury or illness, then you should follow school policy regarding sending notes to excuse pupils form participation.  PE kit should still be taken to allow for participation in a non-practical role.

Pupils' Questions

How much PE will I get each week?

You should get at least 2 hours of Physical Education each week within class time.

Who will give me my PE lessons?

Your PE lesson will either be delivered by a specialist PE teacher, or your usual classroom teacher.  They will prepare and teach you a lesson and occasionally a specialist coach may deliver some activities along with the class teacher.

Where will PE take place?

Lessons will take place outdoors or indoors. Some lessons will also take place at other venues such as community halls, sports centres or swimming pools.

What do I need to wear?

For indoor activities pupils should wear shorts, plain t-shirts and gym shoes or clean training shoes. For gymnastics and dance, pupils should be in bare feet or gym shoes. Some schools have specialist PE uniforms. For outdoor activities pupils should also wear a tracksuit or jogging bottoms and sweatshirt, extra socks and outdoor trainers. Rain jackets, hats and gloves should be worn in inclement weather.

Health and Safety in Physical Education

  • Pupils will be made aware of the risks to themselves and to others while taking part in various activities.
  • Pupils should adhere to health and safety advice.
  • Staff will be responsible for creating a safe environment for pupils when taking part in physical education.

For health and safety reasons pupils should wear appropriate clothing, specifically:

  • shorts and plain t-shirt and gym shoes or clean indoor trainers
  • warm clothing and trainers for outdoors
  • sun hats and sunscreen in the summer
  • warm hats and gloves in the winter
  • pupils should have bare feet for gymnastics

Additionally, to ensure the safety of all participants, pupils are asked to:

  • remove all jewellery during PE
  • for security reasons leave all valuable jewellery at home on PE days
  • cover all new piercing with tape
  • tie hair back securely
  • provide a note from a parent/carer if unable to take part in PE
Last modified on 02 February 2023

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