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Elected Member Briefing - Multi-Storey Strategy Update March 2023

Elected Member Briefing Note 2023, Issue 33

About this briefing note

Report by: Richard Welch, Senior Project Officer

Date: 15 March 2023

Subject: Update on progress on the Multi-Storeys Strategy

Responsible Officer: Nicola Lennon, Capital Improvements and New Build Service Manager, Housing


To update Perth City Centre Ward members on progress on the Multi-Storeys Strategy

Briefing Information

As part of the work regarding improvements to the multi-stories, a resident questionnaire was sent out to all tenants and residents, including owners and private landlords, within the multi-storeys. 

Questionnaire results

Number of returns
Category of respondentOnline responsePaper responseTotal responses received
Private tenant8412
Council tenant221335
Unknown  4


Most important (ranked in order):

  1. Communal landings 
  2. New external wall insulation 
  3. Condition of balconies 
  4. CCTV/security 
  5. Reliability of lifts 

Least important (ranked in order):

  1. Improved signage 
  2. Improved landscaping 
  3. Car parking 
  4. Rewiring of communal supplies 
  5. Communal lighting 

This information will be used to prioritise the work required and enable us to provide information and advice to owners/landlords on the financial support and assistance that could be available to them. 

Installation of environmental sensors

In order for this project to be eligible for Scottish Government funding, the environmental conditions within the flats must be monitored prior to works commencing so the impact of the measure can be demonstrated. The monitoring is being done by installing Aico Environmental sensors which we can monitor remotely. 

The sensors record the humidity, carbon dioxide and temperature within the property.  As   of 28 February 2023, there have been 41 properties fitted with the Aico Environment sensors.  There have been a few tenants not wishing for the sensors to be installed.  Information is being fed back to a central portal indicating environmental conditions in the properties as well as highlighting any issues with the smoke and heat detectors.

Progress with upgrade works

The Invitation to Tender (ITT) for Project to Retrofit Potterhill, Pomarium, Market, Milne, and Lickley Court Multi-Storey Flats in Perth to meet Energy Efficiency Standard in Social Housing (EESSH2) Compliance was published via PCS-Tender on 22 September 2022. 

The ITT was a mini competition under the Scottish Procurement Alliance (SPA) N8 Energy Efficiency Measures and Associated Works Framework, Workstream 2 (WS2) Multiple Measures. This framework provides a route to procure a single contractor to provide an end-to-end service which means we could use the same contractor to provide all the PAS2035 roles. There are two contractors on this framework, and both expressed an interest in tendering for the work; the tender documents were sent out to these contractors on 22 September 2022.

All documentation was due to be returned on 21 October 2022 at 12 noon. Due to the tenderers requesting an extension of time, the return date was extended to 11 November 2022 at 12 Noon. Unfortunately, one of the tenderers withdrew from the tender process on 10 November 2023 therefore there was only one tender returned.

After review by our employer's agent, Brownriggs and ECD Architects (who were asked to carry out a peer review and comment on the fee rates in the tender) it was difficult to demonstrate that the tender provided best value for money. 

As a result, work is currently ongoing to retender the works through an alternative framework, Scotland Excel's Energy Efficiency Contractors framework where there are three companies who can provide an end-to-end service.  Re-tendering will result in a delay to the overall programme. The tender documents were revised and issued on 13 February 2023. 

Despite this set back and delay, ongoing communication is being held with tenants and residents. The information from the sensors is also providing further information which should support our overall aim to improve the aesthetic appearance of the multi-stories whilst providing high energy efficient homes where people want to live.  

Last modified on 18 March 2024

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