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Perth and Kinross Council social housing information

How many Council homes are managed by Perth & Kinross Council?

Perth & Kinross Council currently has 7,895 properties for affordable social rent.

We operate a Common Housing Register with three local Housing Associations to offer a one-stop method of applying for social housing in Perth and Kinross. Together, the Council and its partners offer over 11,000 homes for affordable social rent in the area, which has a major impact in meeting housing need across Perth and Kinross. 

How many people are currently on the application list for social housing in Perth and Kinross?

There were 3,312 applications on the Common Housing Register as of 21/3/2023.

How many properties become vacant on average each year?

Around 1,000 Common Housing Register properties become available for rent each year.

How long on average do people have to wait for the offer of social housing in Perth and Kinross?

Unfortunately it is not possible to answer this in a meaningful way. There is no such thing as an 'average' applicant. Our  Common Allocations Policy (PDF) [531KB]  is designed to ensure that vacancies are allocated to the applicants in greatest need.

Some priority applicants with urgent needs such as homeless people are allocated housing quickly whilst others with no housing need may never get an offer of housing. For the reasons outlined above, we do not monitor application duration or waiting times for council housing.

How many people are living in overcrowded households in Perth and Kinross?

The data we have on overcrowded households is limited to people who have made an application for housing through our Common Housing Register.  As of March 2023 there were 589 applicants who have been awarded points for overcrowding of which, 225 were living in a 'care-of' situation or sofa-surfing. We do not hold demographic information about these applicants.

How many homeless people presented to Perth and Kinross in the last year?

This information is available on the Scottish Government website.

How many 'rough sleepers' are there in Perth and Kinross?

We have an extremely low incidence of rough sleeping to the extent that local rough sleeping counts are not carried out. We do ask people at the point of presenting as homeless whether they slept rough the night before presenting or in the preceding three months, as this information is required by the Scottish Government. 

Last modified on 30 March 2023

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