Elected Member Briefing Note 2023, Issue 48
About this briefing note
Report by: Kayleigh Mustard, Missing Shares Officer
Date: 24 April 2023
Subject: Building Condition Awareness
Responsible Officer: Mark Butterworth, Head of Environmental and Consumer Services
In February 2023, the Council established a Building Condition Working Group was established to discuss common and recurring issues relating to the condition of privately owned buildings across Perth and Kinross. The group is chaired by the Missing Shares Officer and attended currently by representatives of Building Standards, Private Sector, Vacant Properties, Landlord Registration, Housing Repairs and Improvements, Development Control and Perth and Kinross Heritage Trust. One of the outcomes of this working group is to improve the knowledge and awareness of private property owners to encourage action in repairing and maintaining their buildings.
Briefing Information
As a result of the information shared at the Building Condition Working Group, it was determined that a series of events throughout the calendar year would be the most engaging way to support private property owners.
Information Events
Several of these events have been organised and are scheduled to take place over the next few months.
Date | Event | Speakers | Attendees |
4 May 3pm Civic Hall | Missing Shares: Support for Shared Repairs
| Missing Shares Officer - PKC
| Private Tenement Owners |
22 May 3pm Civic Hall | Under One Roof: Tenement Repair and Retrofit Advice
| Under One Roof Education Officer
| Private Tenement Owners |
22 June 3pm Civic Hall | Information for Landlords (including building condition and repair) | Landlord Enforcement Officer - PKC Landlord Accreditation Scotland
| Registered Landlords |
2 May (Online) | PKC Officer Training: Dealing with common repair issues | Under One Roof Education Officer Architect | Relevant PKC Officers |
Further events are scheduled for later in the year.
Defect Walk
As part of the event calendar for the year, a series defect walks for private property owners in Perth City Centre will be arranged to highlight common examples of disrepair and consequences of inaction. This will encourage attendees to identify and address similar issues in their own properties.
To further support the online training for Officers on 2 May, a series of similar walks will be organised to inform PKC Officers and improve awareness and advice on building condition.
A dedicated defect walk for Councillors will be arranged.
Any enquiries and attendance requests can be directed to MissingShares@pkc.gov.uk