A Guide to Perth and Kinross Child Protection Committee
A Guide to Perth and Kinross CPC: Our vision and commitment
Across Perth and Kinross, it is still everyone's job and everyone's responsibility to ensure that:
- our children and young people will have the best start in life and Tayside will be the best place in Scotland to grow up
- our children and young people grow up loved; safe and respected; so that they realise their full potential
- our children and young people get the support they need; when they need it and that it is the right support; from the right people; at the right time
- our children and young people are safe; healthy; achieving; nurtured; active; respected; responsible and included
- our children and young people are protected from harm, abuse, neglect and exploitation
- our children and young people are cared for; grow and develop in a safe, protected and comfortable environment at home, on line, at school and in the community
- our children and young people's welfare remains paramount
- our children and young people are listened to; understood and respected
- our children and young people are taken seriously and treated with dignity and respect
- that parents, carers or any other person with parental responsibilities are encouraged and supported to provide the appropriate emotional and physical care for their children, except in exceptional circumstances