Community Transport Fund 2023/24 guidance notes
This guide describes the background, priorities and standard conditions of Perth & Kinross Council's Community Transport Fund.
Community Transport takes many forms, but in principle it is passenger transport that is provided by voluntary sector and not-for-profit organisations. Often it fills the gap left by conventional bus services - either by operating in rural communities or by targeting passengers with additional mobility needs. The transport service can be provided by volunteers using their own cars or with specialist vehicles that are owned by the organisation.
This funding will be available to any group who can show a clear commitment to community transport and has a structured action plan which demonstrates what it is they hope to achieve.
Priorities for funding
The Council would support any group whose aspirations are aligned with the Council's own priorities in this area. The Council's Strategic Objectives are:
- Giving every child the best start in life
- Developing educated, responsible and informed citizens
- Promoting a prosperous, inclusive and sustainable economy
- Supporting people to lead independent and active lives
- Creating a safe sustainable place for future generations
Who can apply?
The definition of a voluntary/community organisation is a body which is usually led by volunteers, is non-profit distributing, legally independent of the state, and is dedicated to a public good.
The funding criteria contained in this guide apply to all local voluntary/community and national voluntary organisations and umbrella organisations requesting financial support from the Community Transport Fund.
Applicant organisations will be open to all regardless of religion, race, gender or disability.
What is eligible?
Grants may be awarded for:
- vehicle and equipment costs
- staff costs and training costs
- travelling and accommodation costs (e.g. to attend conferences / events)
- annually recurring maintenance (e.g. servicing / MOT costs)
- motor insurance costs
- IT and publicity costs (including website development)
Transport operations that cross into neighbouring local authority areas and other destinations are welcome but applicants should note that the majority of passengers who use the service must reside within Perth and Kinross.
What is not eligible?
All submissions will be considered on their individual merits but it should be noted that grants will not normally be awarded retrospectively.
Level of grant
The Council will consider funding up to £1,200 of project costs or group operating costs.
There is no specific requirement to demonstrate match funding, although evidence that organisations have approached other funding sources will be viewed positively.
It is expected that funds will be spent by 31 March 2024.
Closing date
The closing date for the application process will be 4.00pm on Friday, 25 August 2023. An assessment of applications received will take place and notification of awards made early September 2023.
If you would like to discuss your idea or project please contact Brian Martin at the Public Transport Unit
- Telephone: 07500 122820
- E-mail:
Along with these guidance notes a single application form is included and should be used to apply.
Completed applications should be returned via email to
Standard conditions of grant
The following conditions are core conditions that apply to all organisations. Where specified, failure to meet stated aims, agreed performance targets or grant conditions, may result in support being withdrawn. Any organisation unable to meet one or more of these conditions may request assistance through the Grants Administrator. There may be some relaxation of these conditions where it is a newly established group or funds are requested to address an area of weak practice.
- The organisation must have a written constitution which must include the headings covering the following:
- Name, aims and objectives
- Description of how it achieves those objectives
- Description of how its governing body is elected or appointed
- Description of how people join the organisation
- A description of what will happen to the organisation's assets should the organisation cease to exist
- The date that the constitution was adopted on behalf of the organisation
- The signature(s) of the appropriate officer bearer(s)
- The organisation must provide a Balance Sheet or a set of Annual Accounts for the preceding financial year audited or verified by an appropriately qualified person independent of the Committee including capital held on trust, or otherwise. In the case of an organisation recognised as a charity, please consult the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator ( to check if an audit or an independent examination is required.
- The organisation must have a bank or a building society account in the name of the organisation. There must be at least two signatories to this account who are members of the management committee of the organisation. The two signatories should not be related and all cheques must be signed by both.
- The organisation must disclose any other financial resources or asset income.
- Organisations providing services for children or young people or vulnerable adults must comply with all current child protection or vulnerable adult protection legislation and have in place a child protection or vulnerable adult protection policy specific to the organisation and may be asked to provide this on request.
- The organisation must be open to inspection by official representatives of Perth & Kinross Council or directly by the Council's external auditors. The organisation may be required to supply financial or other information on request.
- The grant must only be used for the purpose for which it was approved by Perth & Kinross Council. At the end of the project, or where a breach of the standard conditions of grant, Perth & Kinross Council reserve the right to reclaim the grant or any equipment, materials etc purchased with the grant. Perth & Kinross Council reserves the right to deduct any amount due to the Council prior to payment of any successful grant application.
- Organisations which receive a grant from Perth & Kinross Council will be monitored according to the Code of Guidance on Following the Public Pound and funding external bodies. Organisations receiving funding above £15,000 from the Council or with an annual revenue income of £20,000 will be expected to demonstrate that they use a Quality Assurance System such as the Practical Quality Assurance System for Small Organisations (PQASSO) and have achieved a specified level such as PQASSO level 1. Organisations expected to meet that requirement will be informed in the letter offering the grant. Training and support would be made available to organisations developing such quality assurance systems.
- All applications for financial assistance must be made on the official single application form which must be completed in full. Forms can obtained from Brian Martin (telephone 07500 122820).
- Successful applicant organisations must acknowledge the Council funding contribution in all publicity surrounding the project, or any reports/documents compiled in connection with the project. The Council reserve the right to publicise full details of any funding offered including name of recipient, project details and amount offered.
In partnership with Perth & Kinross Council of Voluntary Services, Perth & Kinross Council supports Perth & Kinross Grants Direct, the one-stop-shop for further information, advice and support on funding from local sources or sources outside Perth and Kinross area (e.g. National Lottery, European programmes, Trusts & Foundations, Scottish Executive funds).
You can contact Perth & Kinross Grants Direct by phoning 0345 605 2000, e-mailing or by visiting our Community Grants page.