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Elected Member Briefing - Process for establishing and taking forward Estate Based Initiatives projects

Elected Member Briefing Note 2023, Issue 77

About this briefing note

Report by: Elaine Ritchie, Senior Service Manager, Housing 

Date: 9 August 2023

Subject: Process for establishing and taking forward Estate Based Initiatives projects in our neighbourhoods

Responsible Officer: Nicola Muirhead, Team Leader



Following a briefing note issued last month about Estate Based Initiatives (EBI) projects for 2023/24, some queries were received from Elected Members about the process of choosing neighbourhood improvements projects. This briefing provides details of how projects are chosen under EBI.

Briefing Information 


The Tenant and Resident Participation (TRP) Team, Locality Housing Team staff, Elected Members and other council stakeholders are all invited to attend a neighbourhood walkabout along with tenants.

The walkabout route is planned from ideas and suggestions from tenants, Council staff and from the local knowledge of Elected Members.

The walkabout takes place following the planned route. Ideas and suggestions are put forward and are noted by staff on a decision-making template, which is accompanied by comments, evidence and photographs.

The TRP team are responsible for collecting detailed comments, evidence, and photographs from the walkabout

As well as walkabouts, ideas for EBI projects may also come from:

  • Locality Housing Staff
  • Tenant/resident contact
  • Councillors
  • Registered Tenant Organizations

Post Walkabout

Following a walkabout, a Priority Setting Report is put together which lists all the suggested EBI projects for the area. Projects are scored based on the following:

  • Sustainability - best value for money.
  • Enhances the safety of the community.  
  • Improves the amenity of the local area.
  • Increases tenant involvement.

Tenants and residents are then consulted on their priority projects for their area and the associated scoring. This is done through two events in local venues (daytime and evening) which are widely publicised, and tenants vote on their priorities at the events.

The Housing Officer, Repairs Co-Ordinator and TRP Worker will then meet to agree to plan how the works will be progressed.

The TRP Worker for each locality will advise communities of the outcome of the walkabout and what improvement projects will go ahead. The details of projects that will be taken forward are uploaded to the Council website and publicised on the PKC Tenants social media channels.

Arranging improvement projects

Where a project has the go-ahead from tenants and staff, a locality Housing Officer is appointed to take it forward to completion while the TRP Team act as a liaison between the Housing Service and tenants.

The Housing Officer is responsible for progressing low level works or work under £5,000. The Housing Improvements Team (Project Manager) will provide on-site technical support for projects where the value is over £5,000 but under £50,000 in relation to equipment, materials, and any health & safety requirements, to allow a scope of works to be pulled together for Contractors.

When work begins it is monitored by Housing Officers/Assistants and the Housing Improvements Team throughout. The works can be amended if they are not suitable, or another option presents itself whilst the works are underway if there is consensus from all tenants' and residents who are involved.

When works are complete, snagging takes place with the Project Manager, Repairs Inspector, and the Housing Officer. Any faults can be reported and resolved with the contractor. Photographs are taken when work is complete when signed off by Repairs Inspector for reference and publicity.

The TRP team liaises with tenants, keeping them informed through the works process and gaining feedback after completion.

If you would like any further information on the EBI process, please contact Nicky Muirhead by emailing

Last modified on 18 March 2024

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