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Elected Member Briefing - Homelessness performance 2022/23

Elected Member Briefing Note 2023, Issue 87

About this briefing note

Report by: Elaine Ritchie, Senior Service Manager, Housing

Date: 30th August 2023

Subject: Homelessness statistics for 2022/23

Responsible Officer: Martin Smith, Service Manager, Housing



This briefing note is to inform you about the latest national homelessness statistics for Scotland that were published this week, and Perth and Kinross Council's homelessness performance.

Briefing Information 

National picture

The Scottish Government this week published the statistics bulletin Homelessness in Scotland: 2022-23, providing the latest homelessness information for Scotland.

The statistics show a challenging picture for 2022/23, mainly due to ongoing Covid-19 pandemic case backlogs, a shortage of tradespeople and materials to deal with repairs and voids, the cost-of-living crisis and the impact of displaced people fleeing the war in Ukraine.

Perth and Kinross Council performance

We were already one of the leading local authorities in Scotland in this area of work. 2022/23 was also a challenging year for us. However, the latest statistics show that Perth & Kinross Council's Housing Service is continuing to deliver sector-leading outcomes for people experiencing homelessness.

The figures for 2022/23 show that, despite significantly increased demand alongside a sharp reduction in properties available to allocate, key performance indicators such as the average duration of homelessness and average length of stay in temporary accommodation continue to be the best in Scotland and well below the national average.

The Council has taken a 'Home First' approach to tackling homelessness since 2017. Home First was introduced with the aim of providing a direct route for homeless people into settled accommodation, reducing the need for temporary accommodation and minimising the duration, impact, stigma, and cost of homelessness.

In 2018, the Scottish Government instructed all local authorities in Scotland to produce a Rapid Rehousing Transition Plan (RRTP) - with the main aim of moving to a rapid rehousing approach over a five-year period. Our Home First approach has enabled Perth & Kinross Council to deliver a rapid rehousing model well before the target timescale of 2023/24.

The new Scottish Government performance statistics revealed that Perth & Kinross Council:

  • Had the shortest length of stay in temporary accommodation in 2022/23 with an average of 71 days. The national average was 223 days.
  • Had the lowest number of households in temporary accommodation compared to the total number of households in the area.
  • Is a leading authority for duration of homelessness, with an average of 78 days. The national average was 266 days.
  • Through our work with The Rock Trust charity to support young people experiencing homelessness, reduced the number of young people aged 16-25 who presented as homeless.
  • Experienced a 19% increase in homelessness presentations in the context of a 9% increase nationally. While we want to understand that increase compared to the national average during 22/23, we know that since 2017 we have successfully reduced homelessness presentations by 39% while homelessness increased nationally year-on-year.

The statistics reflect our commitment to reduce homelessness in Perth and Kinross, and a determination that anyone facing homelessness will be provided with settled accommodation quickly to help them lead a quality life and reduce the stigma attached to homelessness.

This work will continue, and we are shortly due to announce a new service to deal with very complex homelessness cases that will be paid for using funding agreed in March's Council budget.

If you would like any further information, please contact Martin Smith by emailing


Last modified on 18 March 2024

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