23/00418/FLL - Change of use, alterations and extension to steading to form dwellinghouse, 50 metres east of Boreland Farm, Glendevon, Dollar (Allowed)
13-09-23 - Notice of Review (PDF, 73 MB)
26-09-23 - Letter to Agent (PDF, 29 KB)
26-09-23 - Letter to Interested Parties (PDF, 34 KB)
26-09-23 - Letter to Planning (PDF, 30 KB)
28-09-23 - Representation from Interested Party (Cowan) (PDF, 116 KB)
08-10-23 - Representation from Interested Party (McNee) (PDF, 114 KB)
13-10-23 - Letter to Agent (PDF, 28 KB)
09-11-23 - Letter to Agent (PDF, 29 KB)
09-11-23 - Letter to Interested Parties (PDF, 45 KB)
04-09-24 - Letter to Agent (PDF, 42 KB)
17-09-24 - Letter to Agent (PDF, 30 KB)
19-09-24 - Letter to Agent (PDF, 27 KB)
19-09-24 - Letter to Interested Parties (PDF, 34 KB)
19-09-24 - Decision Notice (PDF, 951 KB)