Elected Member Briefing Note 2023, Issue 102
About this briefing note
Report by: Thomas Glen, Chief Executive
Date: 29 September 2023
Subject: Appointments - Strategic Leads
To provide an update on appointments to the posts of Strategic Lead - Children, Families & Justice/ Chief Social Work Officer and Strategic Lead - Finance & Business Support/ Chief Financial Officer. A copy of the announcement which has being shared with staff today is included below.
Appointments - Strategic Leads
Progress has continued this week with two more appointments to Strategic Lead roles within our new strategic leadership structure.
Strategic Lead - Children, Families & Justice/ Chief Social Work Officer
Congratulations to Arun Singh, who has been appointed to the role of Strategic Lead - Children, Families & Justice and Chief Social Work Officer. Arun is currently Senior Service Manager/ Depute Chief Social Work Officer at Falkirk Council.
In this new role Arun will support the new Director of Economy, Place & Learning, Alison Williams in the development and delivery of integrated locality-based services across Perth and Kinross.
As Strategic Lead, Arun will also lead on the following corporate priorities as they relate to responsibilities for children, young people and families who are at risk and those in the justice system:
- Enabling our children and young people to achieve their full potential (together with Sheena Devlin as the Strategic Lead - Education & Learning).
- Protecting and caring for our most vulnerable people (promoting a whole person, whole family approach and working closely with the Jacquie Pepper as the Director/ Chief Officer - Health & Social Care Partnership).
As Chief Social Work Officer Arun will provide professional social work and social care advice for the Council, the Health & Social Care Partnership and across the voluntary and independent sector within Perth and Kinross. Arun's start date is to be confirmed, but is likely to be in January 2024.
Strategic Lead - Finance & Business Support/ Chief Financial Officer
Congratulations also go to Scott Walker, who has been appointed to the post of Strategic Lead - Finance & Business Support/ Chief Financial Officer. Scott, who is currently the Council's Chief Accountant, has held a number of finance roles over his 31-year career with the Council.
Scott will take up his appointment from 1 November 2023. A recent update on the Transformation Workstream for Finance provides an overview of how the appointment will be incorporated within the progress of that workstream. Upon appointment Scott will work with colleagues to progress transition plans as agreed through the Finance and Professional and Business Admin reviews.
Following the appointments Council Leader, Councillor Grant Laing, who was part of the panel said: "These are both very significant roles within our new strategic leadership team, with the Strategic Lead for Finance and Business Support playing a key role during a financially challenging time for the public sector and the Strategic Lead for Children, Families & Justice and Chief Social Work Officer leading our organisational approach to supporting some of the most vulnerable people in our communities.
"Both Arun and Scott impressed the panel with their understanding of the challenges ahead and I look forward to seeing how they take these on and help deliver on our Corporate Plan priorities."
Thomas Glen, Chief Executive, said: "It is great to see the new leadership structure continue to take shape as we move towards full implementation. Arun and Scott's appointments show the opportunities that are being created for both existing members of our teams and experienced external candidates through the leadership review. They will both be valuable additions to our strategic leadership team bringing a combination of Scott's long-term commitment and deep insight into our organisation and welcoming Arun's new perspective and energy as a new member of our team."
The recruitment process is ongoing for the remaining Strategic Lead posts on a ring-fenced basis.