23/00418/FLL - Change of use, alterations and extension to steading to form dwellinghouse, 50 metres east of Boreland Farm, Glendevon, Dollar (Allowed)
23/00962/FLL - Change of use of flat to form short-term let accommodation unit (in principle), 21 Raeburn Park, Perth, PH2 0ER (Refused)
23/00581/FLL - Change of use of flat to form short-term let accommodation unit, Flat 4, 38 Bonnethill Road, Pitlochry, PH16 5BS (Allowed)
23/00636/FLL - Siting of 3 accommodation units and a laundry/storage unit for use as short-term letting or workers accommodation, and associated works (in retrospect), land 170 metres north east of Keepers Cottage, Amulree, Dunkeld (Refused)
23/00466/FLL - Siting of a holiday accommodation unit, formation of vehicular access and parking area and associated landscaping, land 30 metres south east of Fairygreen Cottage, Kinrossie
23/01088/FLL - Change of use of flat to form a short-term let accommodation unit (in retrospect), 4b Bonnethill Road, Pitlochry, PH16 5BS (Allowed)
23/01362/FLL - Change of use of flat to form short-term let accommodation unit (in retrospect) at 2 Jubilee Place, Pitlochry, PH16 5GA (Refused)
23/00572/FLL - Change of use from flat to short-term let accommodation unit (in retrospect), 4a Bonnethill Road, Pitlochry, PH16 5BS (Allowed)
23/01235/IPL - Renewal of permission 20/00985/IPL (Erection of farm shop and formation of ancillary parking (in principle)), land 60 metres east of Tay Cottage, Killin
23/1599/FLL - Change of use from flat to a short-term let accommodation unit (in retrospect), 81 Balhousie Street, Perth, PH1 5BG (Allowed)
23/01131/IPL - Erection of a dwellinghouse (in principle), land 50 metres north of The Stackhouse, Hatchbank, Kinross (Allowed)
23/01040/FLL - Change of use of flat to form short-term let accommodation unit (in retrospect), 4 Knowehead House, Dundee Road, Perth, PH2 7EY (Refused)
23/01311/FLL - Change of use of flat to form short-term let accommodation unit, 4 Kirk View Apartments, Bonnethill Road, Pitlochry, PH16 5FP
23/01028/FLL - Change of use of flat to short-term let, unit 5B South Inch Court, Perth, PH2 8BG (Refused)
Review of Condition 3 on planning permission 23/01202/FLL (Change of use of builder's yard to form extension to garden ground and erection of link extension between dwellinghouse and outbuilding (in part retrospect), Woodstock, Dinnie's Lane, Comrie, Crieff, PH6 2DR)
23/01495/FLL - Change of use from flat to short-term let accommodation unit (in retrospect), 5 Garry Place, Toberargan Road, Pitlochry, PH16 5AH
23/01079/FLL - Change of use of flat to form short term let accommodation (in retrospect), 4 Monart Road, Perth, PH1 5UQ (Refused)
23/01091/FLL - Change of use of flat to form short term let accommodation (in retrospect), 14 Monart Road, Perth, PH1 5UQ (Refused)