Within schools there are a number of existing supports available:
Primary schools
- Pupil Support Teachers (PST)
- Pupil Support Assistants (PSA)
- Community Link Workers/Assistants (CLW/CLA)
- Outreach Team
- English as an Additional Language (EAL) Service
Secondary schools
- Guidance staff
- Support bases
- Pupil Support Teachers/Assistants
- Community Link Workers/Assistants (CLW/CLA)
- Outreach team
- English as an Additional Language (EAL) Service
Pupil Support Teachers (PST) are assigned across the local authority to support school teams in providing an inclusive curriculum for pupils with additional support needs.
Pupil Support Assistants (PSA) work alongside class teachers within schools to support and meet the needs of all pupils to be able to access and progress in their learning.
Guidance staff in secondary schools' support pupils with general wellbeing, academic concerns, attendance and course choices.
Support bases are places where the PSTs, PSAs and guidance staff generally carry out their work. Pupils can also work in these spaces in a small group or one-to-one setting when they find the mainstream classrooms to busy or difficult to access.
The Community Link Team, work to a locality model, where community link workers and assistants are assigned to a high school and work within the high school itself and the feeder primary schools. They help to ease the transition from primary school to high school and can work with children, young people, and their families both within the school and home environments to address barriers that impact on a child or young person being able to access their learning.
The Outreach Team are a team of teachers who support primary aged pupils with a range of additional support needs, where these are impacting their readiness to learn or their wider Health and Wellbeing. Outreach teachers work alongside all school staff to support through observation and modelling of appropriate adaptations to teaching and the classroom environment.
The English as an Additional Language (EAL) Service is a team of teachers, bilingual community link workers, community learning assistants and pupil support assistants who work in partnership with schools to provide English language support across the curriculum for bilingual children and to promote effective home/school communication. They promote the welfare of these children in school and in the community.
If these supports are not having the required impact, then one of the following services may be approached to offer their support:
Educational Psychology Service - Every Perth and Kinross school has a link Educational Psychologist (EP). Educational Psychologists operate mainly through consultation, which we provide to schools, families, children, and young people. Our primary focus is the identification and assessment of barriers to learning.
Decisions about the extent and nature of EP involvement, beyond statutory requests, are based on the professional judgement of the EP following consultation and consideration of potential impact. We will also take into consideration vulnerability, young person's views, readiness to change and professional boundaries to ensure that we are going to have the maximum possible impact and that we are the appropriate service for the presented needs.
As well as working to link schools, Educational Psychologists apply their psychological skills and knowledge by working to support staff training & development, project - based interventions and undertaking pieces of research on behalf of the authority. In this way, many children and young people benefit from EPS support.
Counselling in Schools - The counselling in schools programme is an additional service which is based primarily in all secondary schools that is open to all young people from the age of 10 years old, which means that primary aged children 10 years + can access the service. For children aged 10 and 11yrs, parental permission is required, but those 12 years and over can self-refer to the service. Each high school has a linked provider and details can be found through the school. The counsellors offer between 6-12 weekly face to face or virtual sessions depending on the young person and their needs. If you would like to discuss a referral to the service, please contact your school direct.
Outside of schools, there are various agencies including Social Work:
The Child Protection Duty Team are a team within Social Work who focus mainly on issues surrounding child protection. Their main goal is to safeguard children and young people by protecting their human rights to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect. Most children and young people get all the help and support they need from their parents, carers, and families. Sometimes they may need further help and support. It may include:
- Assessing and supporting children, young people and parents' social, emotional, and physical needs.
- Supporting children, young people, and parents during crisis.
- Co-ordinating/supporting other services, including Health, Education, and the Third Sector.
- Signposting families to other statutory and non-statutory organisations.
- Providing relevant information and guidance.
- Assisting families in understanding Scottish Law and expectations relating to parental rights and responsibilities.
- Supporting families' integration.
- Working closely with multiple agencies to support the identification of risk and minimise negative impact of the complex challenges faced by Ukrainian displaced families (multi-disciplinary approach).
Family Change is a specialist team within social work services. The team's remit is to support children, young people and families who have experienced significant trauma. Family Change offer direct therapy to children and young people and their families in their building in Perth. The main model of intervention is based on Play Therapy, but they also use other creative therapies, and are able to offer one to one support to parents and carers as well as work with the family group. Referrals for therapy can be made by the child's allocated social worker.
A referral may be required to one of the allied health professionals:
The School Nursing Service is available to all children and young people, schools and parents can refer to the service and young people aged 12yrs and over . School nurses support children and young people by promoting health and well-being and assisting children and young people to achieve their full potential. For more information can be found on the attached link. They have a question and answer board, where children and young people can post an anonymous question and receive advice and support.
Speech and Language Therapists focus mainly on the development and understanding of spoken language and may become involved when you child has difficulties with speech, language, communication or swallowing.
Occupational Therapists aim to support children and young people to be independent in their day-to-day activities including self-care activities, play/leisure skills or school skills.
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) work with children and young people who are experiencing persistent, complex and severe mental health difficulties or where there is a concern about a possible neurodevelopmental difficulty.
There are also some additional agencies within Perth and Kinross that may be able to offer their support:
- Perth Autism Support
- The Lighthouse For Perth - Suicide, Self Harm and Crisis Support
- Mindspace - Mental Wellbeing Support (mindspacepk.com)
- Young Carers (5-17) | PKAVS |
- PKAVS | Charity Supporting People in Perth & Kinross
- Perth & Kinross ADHD Support Group (pkadhd.org)
Contact details
- Child Protection Duty Team: Tel 01738 476768
- Resettlement Team: Email: Ukraine@pkc.gov.uk
- Educational Psychology Service: Tel: 01738 475242 or Email: EdPsychologists@pkc.gov.uk