23/01131/IPL - Erection of a dwellinghouse (in principle), land 50 metres north of The Stackhouse, Hatchbank, Kinross (Allowed)
12-12-23 - Notice of Review (PDF, 1 MB)
21-12-23 - Letter to Agent (PDF, 29 KB)
21-12-23 - Letter to Interested Parties (PDF, 74 KB)
21-12-23 - Letter to Planning (PDF, 30 KB)
07-02-24 - Letter to Agent (PDF, 29 KB)
07-02-24 - Letter to Interested Parties (PDF, 72 KB)
13-02-24 - Letter to Agent (PDF, 27 KB)
13-02-24 - Letter to Interested Parties (PDF, 70 KB)
01-05-24 - Letter to Agent (PDF, 27 KB)
01-05-24 - Letter to Interested Parties (PDF, 70 KB)
01-05-24 - Decision Notice (PDF, 25 KB)