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Planning application fees

Our planning fees charter and other, associated fees and charges as from 12 December 2024.

The Town and Country Planning (Fees for Applications) (Scotland) Regulations 2022 set out the level of fees required as part of the submission of planning applications and other associated applications. They also enable the planning authority to charge discretionary fees for some services, to reduce or waive fees in certain cases and to apply a surcharge for retrospective applications. The Regulations require us, as planning authority, to set out what we will charge for these services, when and by how much fees will be reduced and clarify the level of surcharges applied.

Scottish Ministers have advised of the intention to increase statutory fees in line with inflation each year, in the summer. We will apply increases when the annual revisions come into force. As always, fees will be calculated at the point of validation, not submission. 

Payments can be made online via ePlanning when you submit your application, by using our online payment system or by credit/debit card (Customer Service Centre, telephone 01738 475000). Please ensure to quote the ePlanning or Perth and Kinross Council application reference when making payment. Please note we no longer accept cheques.

Fees charter notes

Important information relating to all planning submissions. Please read.

Table 1: Planning permission application fees

Fees for applications for full planning permission and applications for matters specified by condition on a planning permission in principle.

Table 2: Planning permission in principle application fees

Fees for applications for planning permission made in principle only.

Table 3: Fees for certificates of lawful use or development applications

Fees for applications for a certificate of lawful use or development (section 150) or a certificate of proposed use or development (section 151 of the 1997 Act).

Table 4: Fees for establishing if prior approval is required

Fees for a determination as to whether prior approval is required for development under schedule 1 of the General Permitted Development Order 1992.

Table 5: Charges for associated planning services

Charges for non material variations, discharge or compliance with conditions, pre-application enquiries and pre-validation checks (under regulation 4).

Table 6: Reduced fees for specified planning applications

Fees for some planning applications are reduced. These include applications made by community councils, some applications in conservation areas, some applications for sport or recreation, some applications for matters reserved by condition and cross-boundary applications.

Table 7: Surcharges for retrospective applications

Surcharges are applied to planning applications where works have been started, or finished, before the application has been made.

Table 8: Other planning fees and admin charges

Fees for advertisement consent, applications made under section 42, high hedge applications, hazardous substances consent and charges for general administrative matters.

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