Fees for a determination as to whether prior approval is required for development under schedule 1 of the General Permitted Development Order 1992.
Category | Fee |
1. An application made for determination as to whether the prior approval of the planning authority is required in relation to development (other than one within categories 2 to 9) | £200 |
2. An application made by virtue of paragraph (4A - private ways) of Class 18 of Part 6 (agricultural buildings and operations) | No fee |
3. An application made by virtue of paragraph (4) of Class 18B (change of use to dwelling(s)) of Part 6 (agricultural buildings and operations) | £600 |
4. An application made by virtue of paragraph (5) of Class 18C (change of use to commercial use) of Part 6 (agricultural buildings and operations) | £600 |
5. An application made by virtue of paragraph (4) of Class 21A (existing fish farms) of Part 6A (fish farming) | £750 |
6. An application made by virtue of paragraph (4) of Class 22A (change of use to dwelling(s)) of Part 7 (forestry buildings and operations) | £600 |
7. An application made by virtue of paragraph (5) of Class 22B (change of use to commercial use) of Part 7 (forestry buildings and operations) | £600 |
8. An application made by virtue of paragraph (4 - private ways) of Class 22 of Part 7 (forestry buildings and operations) | No fee |
9. An application made by virtue of sub-paragraph (23) of Class 67 of Part 20 (development by electronic communications code operators) | £750 |
Last modified on 28 January 2025