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Environmental health - Noise disturbances

Sound is essential to our daily lives, but unwanted noise can be a source of irritation and stress for many people.

Within the Environmental Health team specially trained officers can investigate noise complaints and seek a resolution to justifiable noise complaints through formal or informal action but need to gather sufficient evidence of the noise in order to do so.

Where it is not possible to resolve certain noise complaints, complainants will be advised on how to take their own action. In some cases you may be directed to another agency which has powers to deal with your complaint.

Possible courses of action:

  • Officers will recommend in the first instance that you speak to the person or business causing the source of your noise complaint.
  • Officers may request you to keep a detailed record of the disturbances in the form of noise monitoring sheets (this record may be used if legal action is taken later, and you should be prepared to go to court in such cases).

  • Use of Noise App provides a screening tool for officers, but further details are provided by officers when required.

  • Officers will contact the person(s)/business being complained about, advising them of the complaint and ask them to take steps which may be necessary to reduce the noise.

  • A visit from the investigating officer(s) to witness the disturbance.

  • Installation of recording equipment within your property by officers.

Information collated from the investigation by the officers will determine what action they may then take.

Areas Environmental Health do not cover

Aircraft noise

We can't take action against aircraft noise. Please contact the Civil Aviation Authority on 020 7379 7311 or using their online form or contact Perth Airport on 01738 550003. 

Road traffic noise

We can't take action against general traffic noise. If the noise is caused by a road defect you can report on our roads and streets enquiry form or calling our Customer Service Centre on 01738 476476. 

Police Scotland are the enforcing authority for noisy or adapted vehicle exhausts and use of car horns and can be contacted by calling 101. 

Noise from railways

We can't take action against railway noise or noise generated by maintenance work/repairs of the railway network. Please contact the Network Rail Helpline on 03571 14141.

Domestic/residential/neighbour noise

If the noise is from a Housing Association property, please contact the housing association.

If the noise is from a Council Housing tenancy, please contact the local area housing team.

All other noise reports from a domestic/residential property can be reported to our Safer Communities team by emailing or calling 01738 476173.

Noise from jet skis

Whist we appreciate noise from jet skis can cause disturbance to those positioned next to the river Tay, due to the sporadic nature of the noise it is very difficult for Environmental Health to establish nuisance.

All jet ski users of the River Tay should be adhering to the code of conduct jet skiing on the River Tay. Further enquiries can be made to the Community Greenspace team by emailing or calling our Customer Service Centre on 01738 475000.


Police Scotland are the enforcing authority for noise from people in the street including buskers. Please contact the non-emergency Police Scotland number 101.

Noise created by animals

Officers can investigate noise created by animals, however it can be very difficult to establish statutory noise nuisance. In the first instance you should seek to resolve this with a neighbour.

If unable we would recommend that you take your own formal action.

The most suitable legislation is The Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982.  Section 49 (2) of the Act allows a person residing in the vicinity of a noisy animal to make an application to the Court for an order to deal with anyone who keeps "a creature" which is giving "reasonable cause for annoyance". It is an offence not to comply with an Order.

The Clerk of Court's office will supply the relevant application details.

For further advice regarding barking dogs please see barking dogs.

Areas Environmental Health do cover

Noise from commercial/licenced premises

Including deliveries, plant equipment such as extract systems or refrigeration units and live or recorded music.

If you are being disturbed by a commercial/licenced premises and you have been unable to resolve the issue with the business owner, then please contact Environmental Health team by emailing or calling our Customer Service Centre on 01738 476476 to discuss further.

Noise from construction and demolition

When construction or demolition is taking place close to residential properties, we recommend that contractors adhere to the following hours of operation (unless otherwise agreed) for noise generating works: 

  • Monday to Friday: 07:00 to 19:00 
  • Saturday: 08:00 to 13:00 
  • Sundays and Public Holidays: NO NOISY WORKING 

If you are being disturbed by construction or demolition noise out with these hours, we would recommend in the first instance discussing with the contractor. If this fails to resolve the issue, please contact the Environmental Health team on or calling our Customer Service Centre on 01738 476476 and provide the following details, where possible: 

  • Location of the construction works 
  • Contractor details 
  • Type of noise and timings and how this is affecting you/your family 
  • Any communication with the contractor 


Noise from agricultural activities

Including noise from bird scarers. 

If the owner of the bird scarer is not following the National Farmers Union (NFU) Code of Practice, Environmental Health may be able to take action.  

The full text of the Code of Practice for the use of auditory bird scarers can be found by following the link; Protecting your crop - NFU bird scarers code of practice and can be summarised as follows; 

  • Should not sound before 7.00am if within 200m of noise sensitive buildings, or before 6.00am elsewhere 
  • Should not sound after 10.00pm 
  • Should be so positioned that they are pointing down-wind and are not aligned towards neighbours 
  • Where appropriate, baffles should be used to minimise the escape of noise  

If the owner of the bird scarer is not following the above, we would recommend in the first instance discussing with the owner. If this fails to resolve the issue, please contact us on or calling our Customer Service Centre on 01738 476476 and provide the following details, where possible: 

  • Location of the bird scarer 
  • Owners' details (if known) 
  • Timings and how this is affecting you/your family 
  • Any communication with the owner


Car/fire and intruder alarms

Where alarms have been sounding for a significant period of time and you have failed to contact the owner and Police Scotland have not been able to assist, we may be able to help identify and contact the alarm owner.

Please contact Environmental Health at or calling our Customer Service Centre on 01738 476476 if you have exhausted all other options.




Last modified on 15 October 2024

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