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Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES)

The Perth and Kinross Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy (LHEES) sets a co-ordinated approach to the planning and delivery of energy efficiency and heat decarbonisation. The Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategies (Scotland) Order 2022 places a legal requirement on local authorities to produce a Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy and Delivery Plan which should be kept under regular review. The current LHEES sets out the Council's priorities and plans for the period 2024 to 2029.

Our LHEES vision

By 2045, our homes and buildings will be more energy efficient and with more decarbonised heat sources providing more affordable warmth and no longer contributing to climate change.

This will lead to the outcomes of significant reduction in carbon emissions, affordable and sustainable heating, and health and wellbeing benefits.

The Scottish Government recognises that LHEES will evolve with the introduction of future standards and regulation, as well as the introduction of new delivery and funding programmes. The LHEES is viewed as a living document, to be updated in line with local and national developments to identify interventions across a range of technical solutions and funding streams. The LHEES is an all-buildings strategy, and our priorities include action to address energy efficiency and transition to clean heating systems across all buildings through the Council and Housing Associations, private rented housing, private homes and non-domestic properties.

LHEES Live Delivery Plans will be further informed and be informed by our Local Area Energy Plan (LAEP) providing a single, integrated delivery plan to consider the whole energy system alongside heat decarbonisation. The Perth and Kinross LAEP (2024 to 2045) outlines a vision for a net-zero carbon energy system and recommendations for achieving our 2045 targets taking a whole energy systems approach and considering the complex interdependencies of different energy vectors from generation through to demand.

Diagram illustrating strategic priority areas for decarbonisation covered within the Perth and Kinross Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategy and the Local Area Energy Plan
Strategic priority areas for decarbonisation covered within the LHEES and LAEP

Our LHEES and LAEP priorities

To make sure we can achieve our vision we will work towards five main priorities:

LHEES strategic priorities

  • Improving buildings' energy efficiency aiming for affordable warmth and regulatory compliance
  • Decarbonising heat within a transitioning energy system focusing on heat networks and heat pumps

LAEP strategic priorities

  • Reduce transport
  • Decarbonise Transport
  • Deploy local renewable generation

LHEES/ LAEP action plan 2024 to 2029

The Shared Delivery Plan includes actions which the Council and partners will take forward over the next five years. The Council's LHEES/LAEP Programme Board is working through established internal and external governance channels, including an established external stakeholder LHEES/LAEP Steering group to further refine actions, identify shared projects and funding opportunities, and align investment to support delivery across partners.

Local Energy Net Zero Accelerator (LENZA)

The Council will publish our LHEES and LAEP evidence base through the LENZA platform. This will include data on building suitability for heat decarbonisation (heat pumps and heat networks), building fabric retrofit, and wider energy system demand (eg electric vehicles) and generation considerations. LENZA will be used to plan and co-ordinate retrofit and roll out of low-carbon technologies and will facilitate collaboration between network operators, local authorities and other energy transition stakeholders to achieve our strategic priorities and plan investment strategically.

Stay updated on the strategy's progress

Each year, we'll share an annual update on how we're progressing with the LHEES.

Preparing the LHEES

The LHEES for 2024 to 2029 was co-produced with community and housing partners, residents and other stakeholders between January 2023 and December 2023.

Impact Assessments were also undertaken before finalising the LHEES to consider the actions from the perspective of data protection, equality and fairness; and sustainability and climate change. You can view our Strategic Environmental Assessment screening report for more information. 

If you have any questions or input you wish to provide about the LHEES or LAEP, please email

Last modified on 31 July 2024

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