1. MyPKC

Common Repairs Policy

Across Perth and Kinross there are 795 mixed-tenure blocks, where there are people renting flats from the Council and those who bought their flat under the Right to Buy (or from someone who had already bought their property from the Council).

The Common Repairs Policy relates to flats in these mixed-tenure blocks where the Council still has a vested interest. Problems often occur where owners are unsure or refuse to participate in, and pay their share of the costs of, repairs to the common parts and areas.

All properties were sold with an equal share of the responsibility for the repairs and maintenance of common parts, ie roof and roof space, rhones/downpipes, external walls, door entry, stairwell etc.

The Council has the same legal obligation as other owners with regards to the management of common repairs. The responsibility is equally shared and any owner can take the lead on repairs.

We are committed to working with owner occupiers to provide good quality homes to our communities.  All properties require repair and maintenance. In tenement buildings, it is important that all owners are aware of potential maintenance/defects.

This policy will state how these properties can be repaired and also how to ensure that the property is properly maintained to reduce the potential for high cost repairs in the future. The Council has an interest in the repair and maintenance of all mixed-tenure blocks.

It is essential that owners in multi-tenure blocks co-operate with the Council. Working with owners through engagement and having their co-operation means that the value and quality of these assets can be preserved for the mutual benefit of both parties. We use the Tenement Management Scheme, where title deeds do not state who is responsible for common repairs.

This policy sets out the actions the Council will take in order to try to secure the agreement of owners for common repairs. This is for maintenance and improvement in mixed-tenure blocks where the Council have majority ownership.  Where have minority ownership we will contribute our share of the costs for common repairs once agreed.

Last modified on 27 February 2025

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