Elected Member Briefing Note 2024, No. 86
About this Briefing Note
Report by: Elaine Ritchie, Strategic Lead, Housing and Communities
Date: 26 September 2024
Subject: Affordable Housing Supply Programme 2024-25 update
Responsible Officer: Kevin Divin, Team Leader, Housing Strategies
To provide a mid-year update on the progress of the affordable housing supply programme for 24/25 in Perth and Kinross.
Briefing Information
The Local Housing Strategy (LHS) sets out that 210 new supply affordable homes should be delivered in Perth and Kinross.
Currently 109 new supply properties have been delivered via a mix of new build and buybacks. There are 122 new build properties onsite currently expected to complete this current year, and so the expectation currently is that the LHS target will be achieved.
We are expecting a further 129 new starts before the end of the financial year and work is ongoing to explore more off the shelf opportunities.
Completions 2024/25
Lathro Farm, Kinross - 35 Properties - Kingdom Housing Association
Broich Road, Ph4, Crieff - 12 Properties - Kingdom Housing Association
Moyness (Hazelwood) - 7 Properties - Kingdom Housing Association
Buybacks - 55 properties - Perth and Kinross Council
Onsite 2024/25
Lynedoch Road, Methven - 17 properties - Perth and Kinross Council
Old Causeway, Kinross - 8 properties - Hillcrest Housing Association
Bertha Park, Perth Ph3 - 41 properties - Kingdom Housing Association
Milnathort Kinross - 16 properties - Kingdom Housing Association
Abbeyfield, Crieff - 9 properties - Hillcrest Housing Association
Kinross OtS - 6 properties - Perth and Kinross Council
Wester Tomanock, Crieff - 25 properties - Hillcrest Housing Association
Perth and Kinross were given a Resource Planning Assumption (RPA) of £12,659,000 by the Scottish Government for 2024/25 that PKC must coordinate.
This is the grant available to both PKC and RSL's in Perth and Kinross to help deliver new supply affordable housing and no unspent money is allowed to be carried into following year. So far £6,088,000 has been claimed, which equates to 48% of the amount available. Current projections are that our full allocation will be spent, and we have asked the Scottish Government to make extra grant available should there be underspends elsewhere.
An interactive map will be published on the PKC website that will highlight the location of each affordable housing site and when clicked, this will provide details of the affordable housing project such as number of homes, tenure, social rent provider and project status. This is expected to go live in October 2024.