A Meeting of the Development Management Committee will be held in the Council Chambers, Fourth Floor, Council Building, 2 High Street, Perth on Wednesday 19 June 2013 at 9.30am.
If you have any queries please contact Yvonne Oliver on (01738) 475125 or Christina Flynn on (01738) 475450.
Those attending the meeting are requested to ensure that all mobile phones and other communication devices are switched off.
Councillors T Gray (Convener), B Band (Vice Convener), H Anderson, M Barnacle, I Campbell, A Gaunt, J Giacopazzi, C Gillies, A Jack, J Kellas, A Livingstone, M Lyle and G Walker
1. Declarations of Interest
2. Minute of Meeting of Development Management Committee of 22 May 2013 (PDF, 521 KB) (draft copy herewith) (Pages 1-10)
3. Deputations
4. Applications for Determination
(1) Local Applications
(i) 13/00253/FLL - DRUNZIE - Modification of existing consent (11/00277/FLL) change of house type and garage at Land North West of Gwendoline Row, Drunzie (PDF, 3 MB) - Report of Handling by Development Quality Manager (Recommendation - Approve) (copy herewith 13/312) (Pages 11-20)
(ii) 13/00406/IPL - STANLEY - Renewal of planning permission (09/01530/IPL) Erection of 35 dwellinghouses (in principle), Land 160 Metres West Of Shielhill Farm, Stanley (PDF, 599 KB) - Report of Handling by Development Quality Manager (Recommendation - Approve) (copy herewith 13/313) (Pages 21-32)
(iii) 13/00524/FLL - PITLOCHRY - Erection of boundary fences and walling (partly in retrospect) at Aldcharmaig Strathtummel, Pitlochry (PDF, 3 MB) - Report of Handling by Development Quality Manager (Recommendation - Approve) (copy herewith 13/314) (Pages 33-42)
(iv) 13/00647/FLL - BLACKFORD - Modification of consent (05/01545/FUL) change of house type on Plots 40-56 at Phase 2 Mill of Ogilvie, Blackford (PDF, 596 KB) - Report of Handling by Development Quality Manager (Recommendation - Approve) (copy herewith 13/315) (Pages 43-54)
(2) Applications with Council Interest
(i) 12/02160/FLL - AUCHTERARDER - Formation of a roundabout and ancillary works, land south of South Lodge, Windsole Auchterarder (PDF, 3 MB) - Report of Handling by Development Quality Manager (Recommendation - Approve) (copy herewith 13/316) (Pages 55-66)
(ii) 13/00350/FLL - MUTHILL - Installation of underground power cables and removal of electricity poles at various properties, Thornhill Street, Muthill (PDF, 569 KB) - Report of Handling by Development Quality Manager (Recommendation - Approve) (copy herewith 13/317) (Pages 67-76)
(iii) 13/00351/FLL - MUTHILL - Installation of underground power cables and removal of electricity poles at various properties, Station Road, Muthill (PDF, 631 KB) - Report of Handling by Development Quality Manager (Recommendation - Approve) (copy herewith 13/318) (Pages 77-86)
(iv) 13/00352/FLL - MUTHILL - Installation of underground power cables and removal of electricity poles at various properties, Wardside, Muthill (PDF, 506 KB) - Report of Handling by Development Quality Manager (Recommendation - Approve) (copy herewith 13/319) (Pages 87-96)
(v) 13/00353/FLL - MUTHILL - Installation of an electricity link box cabinet at land 40 Metres North East of Old Jam Factory, Ward Road, Muthill (PDF, 412 KB) - Report of Handling by Development Quality Manager (Recommendation - Approve) (copy herewith 13/320) (Pages 97-104)
(vi) 13/00737/FLL - PERTH - Formation of a vehicular access at 73A Edinburgh Road, Perth (PDF, 490 KB) - Report of Handling by Development Quality Manager (Recommendation - Approve) (copy herewith 13/321) (Pages 105-112)
(vii) 13/00772/LBC - PITLOCHRY - Alterations, repairs and strengthening to the suspended bridge deck and buried concrete anchor blocks, repaint structure where required, Port-Na-Craig Footbridge, Port-Na-Craig Road, Pitlochry (PDF, 504 KB) - Report of Handling by Development Quality Manager (Recommendation - Approve) (copy herewith 13/322) (Pages 113-122)
(3) Report on Legacy Applications
Legacy Applications (PDF, 395 KB) - Report by Development Quality Manager (Change of Recommendation to refusal) (copy herewith 13/323) (Pages 123-136)
(i) 06/00266/FUL - ERROL - Erection of 7 dwellinghouses at Vacant Land West Of, Station Road, Errol
(ii) 06/02243/FLL - PITLOCHRY - Conversion of former school building into 12 dwellinghouses, land at Croftinloan, Pitlochry
(iii) 07/00934/FLL - PERTH - Erection of 27 flatted dwellings and associated parking in lieu of existing hall, at The Meeting Room, Goodlyburn Terrace, Perth
(iv) 07/02156/FLM - PERTH - Demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment to form Class 1 retail development and associated ancillary uses, extension to multi-storey car park, incorporating the formation of new retail street/court/pend and associated hard landscaping/shared managed service areas on land at Mill Street, Perth
(v) 10/02049/AML - CLATHY - Erection of 3 dwelling houses at Land to the North West of Bearn Larach, Clathy