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Council Meeting - 26 June 2013

A Meeting of Perth and Kinross Council will be held in the Council Chambers, Fourth Floor, Council Building, 2 High Street, Perth on Wednesday 26 June 2013 at 2.00pm.

If you have any queries please contact Scott Hendry on (01738) 475126 or Gillian Taylor on (01738) 475135.

Those attending the meeting are requested to ensure that all mobile phones and other communication devices are switched off.


Provost E Grant
All Councillors


1.     Declarations of Interest

2.     Minute of Council Meeting of 1 May 2013 for approval and signature

3.     Minutes of meetings of Committees from 24 April 2013 - 12 June 2013 (copy issued under separate cover)

4.    Single Outcome Agreement Annual Performance Report 2012/13 (PDF, 914 KB) - Report by Chief Executive (copy herewith 13/332) (Pages 7-64)

5.    Perth and Kinross Community Plan/Single Outcome Agreement 2013-2023 (PDF, 2 MB) - Report by Chief Executive (copy herewith 13/333) (Pages 65-128)
6.    Securing the Future for Culture and Leisure Services - Progress Update (PDF, 316 KB) - Report by Executive Director (Education and Children's Services) (copy herewith 13/334) (Pages 129-136)

7.    Perth City Development Board (PDF, 317 KB) - Report by Executive Director (Environment) (copy herewith 13/335) (Pages 137-144)

8.    Perth Transport Futures Project (PDF, 1 MB) - Report by Executive Director (Environment) (copy herewith 13/336) (Pages 145-180)

9.    Response to Consultation Request by Development Quality Manager - Installation of 400kv East Coast Reinforcement Project, Tower 241 North West of Haughend Farm, Meigle to Tower 34 at Blairingone (PDF, 464 KB) - Report by Development Quality Manager (copy herewith 13/337) (Pages 181-208)

10.  Empty Properties (PDF, 370 KB) - Council Tax Changes - Report by Executive Director (Housing and Community Care) (copy herewith 13/338) (Pages 209-224)

11.   Amendments to Scheme of Administration

         (i)     Audit Committee Membership

 At its meeting on 1 May 2013, the Council considered Report 13/224 by the Chief Internal Auditor (Article 290 refers) on the role and remit of the Audit Committee. The Council approved the role and remit of the Audit Committee, and that the Modernising Governance Member/Officer Working Group be remitted to consider whether the Audit Committee should have the flexibility to invite additional representation as is required to support its work, with the Head of Democratic Services to submit a report to the next meeting of the Council on 26 June 2013.

        The Member Officer Group considered this matter at its meeting on 15 May 2013 and agreed to recommend to the Council that -

1.     The Scheme of Administration be amended to allow the Audit Committee to call before it such specialist advisers as deemed necessary by the Convener and Vice Convener of the Committee in consultation with the Head of Finance;
2.     It be remitted to the Head of Finance to consider a pool of specialist advisers; and
3.     The position be reviewed in 12 months time.

        (ii)     Development Management Scheme of Delegation (PDF, 338 KB) - Report by Head of Planning and Regeneration (copy herewith 13/339) (Pages 225-234)

        (iii)    Part 3 - Delegation to Officials

        At its meeting on 19 June 2013, the Audit Committee agreed a series of actions in relation to the Council's responsibilities with regard to Following The Public Pound, including the following proposed amendment to the Scheme of Administration:

        23    Executive Director (Environment)

        Paragraph 23.1 - The Executive Director (Environment) is authorised: -

        Financial Assistance

        31.   In conjunction with the Financial Assistance Panel to determine requests between £2,001 and £50,000 under the Financial Assistance to the Voluntary Sector Revenue Budget heading and the Community Environment Challenge Fund.

12.   Changes to Committee Membership

         (i)     Strategic Policy and Resources Committee

  The Council is asked to appoint Councillor I Campbell to the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee to replace Councillor A Livingstone

         (ii)    Environment Committee

       The Council is asked to appoint Councillor E Maclachlan to the Environment Committee to replace Councillor T Gray

         (iii)   Community Safety Committee

         The Council is asked to appoint Councillor E Maclachlan to the Community Safety Committee to replace Councillor A Grant

13.   Appointments to Outside Bodies

         (i)     Horsecross Perth Theatre and Concert Hall - Executive Committee

The Council is asked to note that Councillor W Wilson has resigned from the Horsecross Perth Theatre and Concert Hall - Executive Committee.

         The Council is asked to appoint a replacement for Councillor Wilson.

         (ii)    Perth Theatre Redevelopment Project Board

         At a meeting held on 4 June 2013, the Executive Sub-Committee of the Strategic Policy and Resources Committee considered a document  (13/284) prepared by Burness Paull and Williamsons setting out the legal framework for the delivery of the redevelopment of Perth Theatre by Perth and Kinross Council and Horsecross Arts Limited. Having noted that at a meeting held on 29 May 2013, Horsecross Arts Limited had approved the legal framework for its interests in the project, the Sub-Committee approved the framework for the Council's interests in the redevelopment of Perth Theatre. 

        The Council is asked to endorse the appointment of Councillors I Miller, R Band, A Livingstone and W Wilson to serve on the Perth Theatre Redevelopment Project Board.

         At the first meeting of the Board, held on 5 June 2013, Councillor Miller gave a commitment that the Council would be willing to underwrite the costs associated with the architects proceeding with a revised planning application and progressing works to Stage E.  The Council is asked to endorse this position.

         (iii)   The Tay Foundation Board

  At its meeting on 23 May 2012, the Council agreed that the Provost be appointed to the Tay Foundation Board.

        The Council is asked to appoint a replacement for the Provost.

Last modified on 03 March 2014

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