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About Child Impact Assessments

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Children with a parent in contact with the justice system often report being not seen and not heard, even though they are not guilty. We want every child with a parent on the justice journey (from arrest, through court and sentencing, during a prison or community sentence, and prior to, and post, release) to feel listened to, supported, and included in decision-making about that support.

We are committed to delivering on The Promise (opens new window) and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (opens new window) (UNCRC). In partnership with Families Outside (opens new window), and funded by the UNCRC Corra Innovation Fund, we are adopting the Child Impact Assessment framework, published by the Prison Reform Trust (opens new window) (PRT). The framework supports a guided conversation with children and young people and provides an insight for anyone supporting a child into the emotions children may have, the challenges they may experience, and, crucially, the actions that may help

What is a Child Impact Assessment?

Child Impact Assessments are not about assessing children, rather their needs. They are not about the parent who is in contact with the justice system; instead, the focus is on the child and their feelings. Importantly, Child Impact Assessments are not a statutory procedure; they are offered to children with the aim of providing support.

Why do we need Child Impact Assessments?

There is compelling evidence from children that Child Impact Assessments will lead to a better understanding of their needs and increased support. 

If I'd had set questions like these to ask me how I was feeling and how I was doing, it would've been a lot better for me... It would've really helped me."  - Ellie (not her real name), aged 14 when her father went to prison.

Who should support children with a Child Impact Assessment?

Child Impact Assessments can be used by a wide range of staff and practitioners, from statutory and voluntary services, as a way of understanding children's needs. Keeping children safe, listening without judgement, and sharing information sensitively are vital. Training is key. We provide free training for anyone who may be supporting a child or young person with a parent in the justice system. More information about our training sessions can be found at Families Outside - P&K Training (opens new window).

If you are a family member of someone in the justice system, you can find more information and support at Families Outside (opens new window). There are further resources for children and young people at Families Outside - Young People (opens new window).

Last modified on 17 December 2024

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