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Disablement reduction

If a member of your household (an adult or a child), is permanently disabled, you may be able to get a reduction on your council tax bill.

You will be charged at the valuation band below the one your home is in.  For example, if your home is in band D, the band C rate will apply to your Council Tax bill. You will get a part reduction even if your home is in band A.

This reduction applies to your Council Tax, water and sewerage charges.


Your home must have one of the features below which must be of vital or major importance to the disabled person's wellbeing

  • enough indoor space for the disabled person to use a wheelchair, the wheelchair must be used indoors.
  • an extra kitchen or bathroom for the specific needs of the disabled person, a bathroom must contain a bath or shower facility
  • an extra  room, not a bathroom, kitchen or toilet, that is mainly used by the disabled person and is required to meet their additional needs e.g. therapy or treatment room

How do I apply?

Applications are now part of our wider 'Apply Once' application form where you can find out what other benefits, discounts and exemptions administered by the Council you're entitled to receive. 

Complete our online application form

Alternatively, if you are unable to complete our online application, please download and complete the Disablement Reduction Application Form (PDF, 470 KB) or telephone the Local Taxes team on 01738 477430.

The Local Taxes team may request further evidence to support your application or arrange a home visit before reduction is granted.

Other help available

For further advice about benefit entitlement or other help available, please contact the Welfare Rights Advice Line on 01738 476900 (option 1) or visit the Benefits and advice section.

Last modified on 22 January 2025

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